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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Here's the AP story indicating that it may just be 1 player.


Questions surround suspended Ohio State player

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The lawyer for four Ohio State players set to return from suspensions this week for accepting cash and free tattoos said Monday that the NCAA is questioning the eligibility of one of the players - and may extend his suspension.

Larry James, who represents tailback Daniel Herron, wide receiver DeVier Posey, left tackle Mike Adams and defensive end Solomon Thomas, told The Associated Press that "probably we're talking about potentially one player as we speak that there's an issue around. But that's not finalized."

Cont'd ...
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scarletmike;2004954; said:
Is there any data out there that the NCAA is looking at? I really want to know how they're calculating the supposed over-payment.


NCAA: Guys, look at this! These guys had jobs! And made money. How much? JESUS CHRIST! IT WASN'T MINIMUM WAGE! COLLEGE KIDS MUST WORK FOR MINIMUM WAGE!!!!

One game sound good? Yeah? Sweet.

I mean, it isn't like we can assume the NCAA has any rhyme or reason to their punishments. (See: Newton, Cam. Related: Auburn and Chizik, Gene or Carroll, Pete. Also see Miles, Les and Kelly, Chip. Wouldn't hurt to look at Green, AJ. Or even Floyd, Michael.)
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