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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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holybuckeye33;1977314; said:
This thread should be locked this week IMHO opinion. It's time for football!!

Yep - once I saw it was bumped, I came in here to do just that.

If somebody has some actual news that hasn't been posted in this thread, you can PM me.
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Ramzy (11W) looks at photographer Dennis Jay Talbott, who was claimed to have given Pryor "$20,000 to $40,000" by ESPN. Talbott says that he never gave "Terrelle a dime for anything", and that the NCAA has never talked to him.

He has had numerous pictures in well-known publications over the years credited to him as D. Jay Talbott and Jay Talbott. Yet TSUN just a few days ago decided he was trying to deceive them when he asked for sideline credentials using the name that he's used professionally for years.

According to Michigan associate athletic director Dave Ablauf, the U-M athletic department was duped into credentialing Talbott and, though there is no known rule to deny other schools' banned individuals, Michigan wouldn't have credentialed him had it known who he was. He applied under the name Jay Talbott.

The images he took, which are posted on iconsportsmedia.com and at least one, of Denard Robinson, appeared on si.com are credited to Jay Talbott.

"We would have never allowed this person to have a credential, and we were deceived by an Ohio-based media outlet," Ablauf said via e-mail. "This person and this media outlet will no longer be credentialed."
Talbott also says that he has proof from Scioto Reserve Golf Club that he's only golfed there 5 times since 1999, despite ESPN reports that he golfed there "3 or 4 times a week". That report says that Pryor golfed there with Talbott in 2009, but it also says that Talbott was kicked out of the club in September, 2008. The ESPN OTL report also says that Talbott was kicked out of the club and owed them thousands of dollars. Yes, the OTL report that mentions the possibility of tOSU getting LOIC and a 2-year bowl ban, and even mentions the Death Penalty.

SportsByBrooks had reported that Talbott had an ebay account, infickellwetrust, that was used to sell tOSU memorabilia. It was later proved that the account was somebody else's, but there's been no correction made.

Talbott does have 'TPRYOR' license plates on a van, which he says is a tailgating van he's only driven about 12 times. He says he got those plates because all other tOSU plates were already taken.

Ramzy didn't indicate whether he asked about Pryor's supposed attendance at the birthday party of Talbott's son.
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Ohio State ordered to give records to court In July, ESPN had sued school over withheld emails

The state Supreme Court yesterday ordered Ohio State University to provide copies to the justices - under seal - of records ESPN wants stemming from possible wrongdoing inside OSU?s athletic department.

The high court included the requirement as part of a 7-0 ruling that set a briefing schedule in the case.

On July 11, ESPN sued OSU. It alleged among other things that the university withheld emails requested by the TV network by wrongfully hiding behind a federal student-privacy law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

In an initial response to the suit, OSU attached a letter that Jim Lynch, senior director of media relations, wrote to ESPN on July 29.

In it, Lynch said the school was providing more documents. But he excluded records protected by attorney/client privilege and education records that "are so directly related to individual students as to make their entire contents personally identifiable information protected under FERPA."

Lynch wrote that the university was surprised by the lawsuit and believed that "a continuation of our regular and ongoing conversations would have been fruitful in identifying any public records that you may be seeking."

The Supreme Court told ESPN and OSU to file evidence within 20 days, with legal briefs to follow in the weeks after.

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This is what the team needs now. The NCAA thinks that Herron and Posey were overpaid for the work they did for the guy that was involved with the charity function near Cleveland that got Hall, Howard, and Pittsburgh Brown suspended in early September.

Press conference from Gene Smith this afternoon.


Ohio State football: Status of Herron, Posey still in doubt, sources say

The return of Ohio State tailback Daniel Herron and receiver DeVier Posey from their start-of-the-season NCAA suspensions could be delayed by at least one more game barring a change of heart by the NCAA, sources told The Dispatch this morning.

Left tackle Mike Adams and defensive end Solomon Thomas are expected to be cleared to rejoin the active roster for the Buckeyes' game at Nebraska on Saturday night. O hio State athletic director Gene Smith will hold a news conference today at 3:30 p.m., the school said.
A separate probe by the NCAA into Herron and Posey apparently showed they may have received improper benefits in terms of alleged inflated remuneration while working summer jobs in the Cleveland area. It could mean at least one more game of suspension for Herron, for whom the benefits was said to be in the $200 to $400 range, and perhaps multiple games for Posey, for whom the benefit was said to be about $500.

Sources said both refuted the charges. Herron, a source said, produced evidence that he thought showed he had received no improper benefit.

The investigation into the two stemmed from the early-season action taken against three other Buckeyes, running back Jordan Hall, cornerback Travis Howard and safety Corey Brown. Those three were suspended the first two games for accepting $200 each from booster Robert ?Bobby? DiGeronimo while attending a charity fundraiser event in the Cleveland suburb of Independence. DiGeronimo admitted to that transgression.

He also has made no secret of the fact his family?s company, Independence Excavating, has employed OSU football and basketball players from time to time over the last 30 years as part-time employees, usually doing odd jobs such as washing the company trucks. That is not a violation as long as the work actually is done and the athletes are paid the standard rate.

Herron and Posey had taken part in that program, the sources said, and the NCAA thinks it found discrepancies between what they were paid and what they should have been paid.

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Tonyank;2004925; said:
No sure where this belongs but rumors are a flying. Somethings up......

Rumors about what? Today's presser from Gene Smith?

According to twitter, the attorney for the remaining four suspended players says that the NCAA may tack on another game to the suspension of one of them. Is that what you're talking about?
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OK, I've opened this thread for today's press conference.

Please remember that the no bashing guideline is for players, coaches, ADs, and school presidents.

And Gatorubet still isn't allowed to post in here until the NCAA report is released. :biggrin:
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