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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

Buckrock;2119212; said:
I actually had a debate with a PSU fan who says they are better at producing QB's for the NFL. Yes, Todd Blackledge was epic.

:rofl: What QB if any have they had in the last 20 years? Gino Torretta? :lol: Where is he?

I mean, sure Krenzel didn't do much in the pros.. But he's laughing all the way to the bank with his Molecular Genetics degree.

EDIT: To keep the topic on Braxton...

How much of an option attack (if any at all) do you think we'll see next season? I only ask because I feel like having Hall in the backfield while running the option would be absolutely LETHAL!
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TooTallMenardo;2119214; said:
:rofl: What QB if any have they had in the last 20 years? Gino Torretta? :lol: Where is he?

I mean, sure Krenzel didn't do much in the pros.. But he's laughing all the way to the bank with his Molecular Genetics degree.

Gino Torretta went to Da U.

Kerry Collins played for PSU, and was still playing games in the NFL last year. Of course, he wasn't very good but he had a good and lengthy career and has had reason to go to the bank many more times than pretty much all of the OSU QBs who have come after him combined.

I think we can stop talking about Craig Krenzel's degree in molecular genetics since he's now selling insurance and making appearances on talk radio, just like pretty much every other ex-jock ever.

Why do we care about their pro exploits anyway? That argument is for people who don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to the performance of their favorite college team. Buckeye QBs in recent years have vastly outperformed Penn State's at the college level. If an excellent college career is all that Braxton Miller ends up amounting to he will have had a very good run and I'll be happy fan.
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jlb1705;2119218; said:
Gino Torretta went to Da U.

Kerry Collins played for PSU, and was still playing games in the NFL last year. Of course, he wasn't very good but he had a good and lengthy career and has had reason to go to the bank many more times than pretty much all of the OSU QBs who have come after him combined.

I think we can stop talking about Craig Krenzel's degree in molecular genetics since he's now selling insurance and making appearances on talk radio, just like pretty much every other ex-jock ever.

Further proving my point.

Collins was a career backup guy, who got his opportunity when VY went crazy.
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Bucknut24;2119311; said:
sorry tootall, but you're way off base, collins has done more than any osu qb has ever done

Agreed, tootall your statement is pretty off base. Since collins got to the pro bowl twice and led expansion in their second year to the nfc championship game. I don't if any of the osu qbs have even played in a playoff game.

But anyway, I wonder if our lack of reliable WRs will stifle them some because I think we will be relying more on braxton and the RBs. I can't wait to see who wins the rb battle as well because we some stallions back there with braxton
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Buckrock;2119194; said:
OSU has put three QB's in the NFL over the last 10 years. Can anyone name them?

Well I stand corrected. I guess Pryor's professional career and Smith's starts at Baltimore should have proved it to me. Also Troy Smith continuing to play at San Francisco is definite proof.

Krenzel's injury doesn't really help to say whether or not he had a shot at being a true NFL caliber QB.
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Coqui;2119384; said:
Well I stand corrected. I guess Pryor's professional career and Smith's starts at Baltimore should have proved it to me. Also Troy Smith continuing to play at San Francisco is definite proof.

Krenzel's injury doesn't really help to say whether or not he had a shot at being a true NFL caliber QB.

Troy was cut from sf and went to the usfl (or whatever its called). I think he is back in the league somewhere though.

Anyway, its a moot point. Statistics like these mean nothing to the individual, especially when there's a new regime in town. I think braxton prob has higher potential as a passer than any of the three
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BearBuck27;2119788; said:
Troy was cut from sf and went to the usfl (or whatever its called). I think he is back in the league somewhere though.

Anyway, its a moot point. Statistics like these mean nothing to the individual, especially when there's a new regime in town. I think braxton prob has higher potential as a passer than any of the three

Yes. He didn't start at Baltimore and AFAIK he didn't start in Omaha. Yes, he's in Pittsburgh now as a backup to ROFLBurger.

Your latter sentence was my point. I'm excited to see what a different QB coach will do.
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