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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

I agree with the sentiment that we will not know what Braxton is really capable of until we see what a competent offensive coaching staff/cood allows him to do.

Can't wait to see what it is.
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Coqui;2087873; said:
Wasn't he more guilty of overthrowing than underthrowing?

Depends on which ESP(i)N guy was calling the game... I think it was either the bowl game or the game... one guy said "He'll learn to under throw that one" then some other asinine statement like "well he shoulda put more air under that one"
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AuTX Buckeye;2087874; said:
Depends on which ESP(i)N guy was calling the game... I think it was either the bowl game or the game... one guy said "He'll learn to under throw that one" then some other asinine statement like "well he shoulda put more air under that one"
I remember hearing the learning to underthrow comments by the announcer.

I just vividly remember the overthrows in The Game though
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AuTX Buckeye;2087874; said:
Depends on which ESP(i)N guy was calling the game... I think it was either the bowl game or the game... one guy said "He'll learn to under throw that one" then some other asinine statement like "well he shoulda put more air under that one"

That announcer was talking about making the back shoulder throw to receivers that are covered. It was a good observation.
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He was overthrowing his receivers by not putting enough air under the ball on the deep passes to let the receivers run under it. He was throwing on a pretty tight line and if it didnt hit the guy he overthrew him by quite a lot usually.
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