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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

MililaniBuckeye;2078561; said:
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Meyer will have Miller developed into a serious Heisman candidate by his junior year.

No doubt. I think that in his system he will be a legitimate threat for a 3,000 / 1,000 season in his latter years, and he'll be winning 11+ games a year.
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Miller is 2011 CFPA National Freshman Performer of the Year
Earns award won by Marcus Lattimore and LaMichael James in 2010 and 2009, respectively


Braxton Miller set an OSU freshman record with 13 TD passes in 2011.

Jan. 7, 2012

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Braxton Miller was honored today by the College Football Performance Awards (CFPA) as its 2011 National Freshman Performer of the Year. Recipients of the CFPA awards are chosen based on the extent they increase the overall effectiveness of their team.
It is the fourth significant award won by Miller, the freshman quarterback from Huber Heights, Ohio, this season. He has previously been named the Big Ten Conference's Thompson-Randle El Freshman of the Year, and at Ohio State's annual team banquet in December, he was named the Archie Griffin outstanding offensive player as well as the team's outstanding first-year offensive player.
Miller started the final 10 games this season for Ohio State and threw for 1,159 yards with a freshman school-record 13 touchdowns. He completed 54.1 percent of his passes (85 of 157) with just four interceptions. He had a season-high 18 completions (23 attempts) vs. Florida in the TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl and he had a season high 235 passing yards vs. Michigan in the regular season finale. He had two touchdown passes in games against Colorado, Purdue, Michigan and Florida.
Miller also led the Buckeyes in rushing with 715 yards and seven touchdowns. He averaged 4.5 yards per carry. Included was a school-record (by a quarterback) 81-yard touchdown run vs. Indiana. He rushed for more than 100 yards a team-best three times with 105 yards against Indiana and Penn State, respectively, and 100 vs. Michigan.
The National Freshman Performer of the Year Award, won by South Carolina's Marcus Lattimore last season and Oregon's LaMichael James in 2009, comes with a 22-inch K9 optic crystal tower topped with an eight-inch K9 optic crystal football.
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zbuck;2084921; said:
I'm happy and proud of Braxton but I thought Sammy Watkins (Clemson) would have been the front-runner for this award. I guess that's what happens when you get hammered in your BCS game.

Well in the descripition of the award it says it goes to the freshmen that affected their team the most. I dont know if Watkins had the impact for Clemson that Braxton had for OSU
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