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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

ESPN: Spring practices mark another college football season

How quickly will Ohio State quarterback Braxton Miller pick up Urban Meyer's spread offense?
At his introductory news conference, Meyer couldn't temper his excitement over putting Miller under center in his spread offense. Ohio State fans really couldn't complain about Miller's performance last season, after he was thrust into the starting role because Terrelle Pryor was suspended and then turned pro. Miller completed 54.1 percent of his passes for 1,159 yards with 13 touchdowns and four interceptions. He also ran for 715 yards with seven scores, and Meyer figures to take advantage of his speed and elusiveness with more quarterback draws and option plays.
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I realize this is nitpicking a bit, but ESPN continues to show that they don't know anything about the subject matter they are covering.

and Meyer figures to take advantage of his speed and elusiveness with more quarterback draws and option plays.

Whoever wrote that didn't watch an Ohio State game last season. QB draws were our passing game.

Run, run, third and long, QB draw (or 20 yard routes, 8 man blitz, sack). It was like clockwork under Bollman.

I highly doubt we see more designed QB draws this season. At least, I truly hope we don't.
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Is ESPN really even attempting to be a journalistic enterprise anymore? It's purely entertainment. They should honestly just go the way of the WWE and stop trying to convince everyone that what they do is actually hard journalism.
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I just hope by the spring game, Braxton will be throwing spirals. That was a head scratcher for me. Now that we have a quarterback coach, I expect Braxton's throwing to improve mechanically. Really pumped to see his sophomore year improvements.
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southcampus;2109435; said:
I just hope by the spring game, Braxton will be throwing spirals. That was a head scratcher for me. Now that we have a quarterback coach, I expect Braxton's throwing to improve mechanically. Really pumped to see his sophomore year improvements.

TP had this problem too his last year. I sure hope its the coaching and mechanics
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Buckeye86;2109313; said:
Run, run, third and long, QB draw (or 20 yard routes, 8 man blitz, sack). It was like clockwork under Bollman.

I highly doubt we see more designed QB draws this season. At least, I truly hope we don't.

that, more creativity, and perhaps they will be more strategery involved?:biggrin:
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