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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

I can see caring about our QB success in the NFL in that it helps with attracting future prospects to tOSU. I imagine every QB prospect that walks through the door at TTUN is enlighted as to the all of Tom Brady's NFL exploits.
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briegg;2120160; said:
I can see caring about our QB success in the NFL in that it helps with attracting future prospects to tOSU. I imagine every QB prospect that walks through the door at TTUN is enlighted as to the all of Tom Brady's NFL exploits.

Who was a weak armed forgotten prospect thanks to Michigan. Before RR, Michigan was a premiere destination for elite, prototypical NFL WRs and QBs. Rich Rod ended that. If Hoke rebuilds it, the tradition of winning will play a much bigger role than Tom Brady.
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BuckeyeNation27;2120163; said:
which is a joke. does anybody even remember him at Michigan?

Agreed that his success has not been related to his success at TTUN, but I still bet recruits are being sold the success of UM QB in the league, and he is the biggest one of late. If Zwick were having the same type of NFL success, I'd expect our coaches to do the same. My only point is that I think NFL success could move the recruiting needle slightly. Sorry to hijack the Baxton thread - we should get back to him.
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BuckeyeNation27;2119982; said:
You're excited to see how our QBs under a new coach fare in the NFL after they're gone from Ohio State?

Not that I don't care about them once they're done with OSU......but who cares?

Why do we have an alumni section on this forum? We do care about how they fare after they leave OSU.
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Just watched this again....

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZO98Z4mcdE"]Braxton Miller Freshman Highlights - YouTube[/ame]

Can't wait to see how much he improves in 2012
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I love having KG on roster. Next to Scotty Mick he might be in line for the best backup QB we've had in a long while. True Buckeye. Love seeing that footwork though. This coaching staff (and players) are going to do wonderful things.
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Buckeneye;2130942; said:
I love having KG on roster. Next to Scotty Mick he might be in line for the best backup QB we've had in a long while. True Buckeye. Love seeing that footwork though. This coaching staff (and players) are going to do wonderful things.

What about Krenzel backing up McMullen? :wink2: I see what you are saying though, we are lucky to have KG as a backup.
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