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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

Scout (Free) - Miller Learning Offense, Growing As Leader


Ohio State quarterback Braxton Miller returned this spring to find a new offense to learn and a coaching staff expecting him to take charge of the team on and off the field. His new offensive coordinator likes his progress so far but expects much more.
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Ohio State football: Quarterback Braxton Miller learning new offense, how to be a leader
By Tim May
Columbus Dispatch
Published: March 31, 2012

As Braxton Miller went through the opening Ohio State spring practice last week, and tight spiral passes were flying out of his right hand, headed usually toward the intended target, Tom Herman did a mental check mark.

?It was little bit of sigh of relief, it was that, ?OK, we?ve got something to work with here,? ? the Buckeyes? new offensive coordinator and quarterbacks coach said.

He had never seen Miller throw in person. He knew that coach Urban Meyer had gushed about Miller?s abilities even as he was being introduced as the coach on Nov. 28, and Herman had met with Miller many times during the winter getting to know him.

But Wednesday was the first time that Herman could stand near a helmet-wearing Miller on the field as he uncorked throws.

?Certainly didn?t walk in to Tom Brady or Peyton Manning by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely there was a sigh of relief saying, ?OK, the ability level is there. It?s my job ? it?s our job to make sure we harness that ability,? ? Herman said.

The Buckeyes went through their third practice of the spring Saturday. The media wasn?t allowed to watch, but the reports from Herman, Miller and others is that the transition to an up-tempo, spread offense is still in its infancy for all, including the quarterback.

?What I really want to improve is knowing where everybody?s at, where everybody?s going,? Miller said.



OSU, QB Braxton Miller address offensive woes
New coach, staff working on multiple-receiver sets.
By Doug Harris, Staff Writer
Sunday, April 1, 2012

COLUMBUS — The Ohio State football team had its first full-contact practice of the spring Saturday morning, and coach Urban Meyer allowed the families of players and other visitors to attend.

Former Buckeye coach and Meyer mentor Earle Bruce was among those who stopped by. And when asked as he was leaving the Woody Hayes Athletic Center whether he had any advice for his prot?g?, Bruce quipped, “Yeah, work on the passing game.”

The absence of a consistent aerial attack was a prime reason why OSU stumbled to a 6-7 record last season, and Meyer and his staff are plotting ways to better utilize quarterback Braxton Miller. The Wayne High School graduate was forced to carry too much of the burden as a freshman last season, and he was hindered by a lack of playmakers and an unimaginative offense.

The 6-foot-2 Miller, who is 10 pounds heavier than his freshman weight of 205, has liked what he’s experienced so far in Meyer’s multiple-receiver sets.

“Our offense is fast tempo and really explosive,” Miller said. “I feel comfortable in the pocket and have faith in my athletic ability and (ability) to make plays.

“What I really want to improve on is knowing where everybody is at, what everybody is doing. I just feel good about the whole game plan.”

Kevin Miller, the player’s father, watched from the sidelines and believes his son will benefit from Meyer’s system, which is similar to what Braxton ran at Wayne.

“You can tell there’s more confidence, he’s more relaxed,” the elder Miller said. “It’s still early, I didn’t get to see everything. But what I saw, he looked more comfortable, more in command of everything.”


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Buckeyes' Miller at his best in the spotlight (Video)
April, 20, 2012
By Adam Rittenberg | ESPN.com

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Urban Meyer raves about Braxton Miller's competitive spirit these days, but not long ago the Ohio State coach felt differently about his quarterback.

"It was very alarming in the [winter]," Meyer told ESPN.com.

New coaches must wait until the spring to work with players on the practice field, but they keep close tabs during winter conditioning. It's no coincidence the coaches' offices at programs like Nebraska overlook the team's weight room.

When Meyer observed Miller this winter, he became concerned. It wasn't as if Miller slacked off or didn't get his work in with the strength coaches. But he didn't measure up to the starting quarterbacks Meyer had in the past.

"Chris Leak doesn't get enough credit at Florida," Meyer said, referring to the quarterback who helped him win his first national title, against Ohio State. "He was a very hard worker in the weight room, a very competitive guy in the weight room. [Tim] Tebow was off the charts. Alex Smith was extremely competitive in the offseason program. I didn't see that from Braxton."

"He worked hard," Meyer continued. "He was fine. I didn't see him compete at the level he's competing at right now. The lights come on, you get the ball in his hands and he becomes an excellent competitor."


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ShowMeBuck;2144785; said:
I think it will be very interesting to watch the contrast in personalities between Braxton and UFM over the next few years. Brax is pretty laid back, UFM not so much. I see them as total opposites.

Agreed, I would expect to see somewhat of a personality shift ( on field at least) for mr miller this coming season and it sounds like that may have started over winter conditioning
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