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US Open Playoff (revised)

Hey, back to work all of you! No wonder China is catching us. You don't see old Huan Hung Down taking a Monday off to watch a golf tournament. No sir, he's out there putting lead paint on Barbie Dolls and rat's into the dog food. In my day we had to walk to work with dogs chasing us and the boss used to beat us with a cat-o-nine-tails and make us work 28 hurs a day and no wussy, "Please, sir, may I have 10 minutes for lunch and Sunday off." No sir, in my day we knew how to work...."
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cincibuck;1185922; said:
Hey, back to work all of you! No wonder China is catching us. You don't see old Huan Hung Down taking a Monday off to watch a golf tournament. No sir, he's out there putting lead paint on Barbie Dolls and rat's into the dog food. In my day we had to walk to work with dogs chasing us and the boss used to beat us with a cat-o-nine-tails and make us work 28 hurs a day and no wussy, "Please, sir, may I have 10 minutes for lunch and Sunday off." No sir, in my day we knew how to work...."

pipe down gramps
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mstevmac;1185585; said:
If you aren't a golf fan, the 2 golf weekends you HAVE to watch during the year is the U.S. Open and The Masters.
I would add the British Open to that list, especially if it's at St. Andrews or Royal Troon. The unique atmosphere and style of golf course is a nice change from what you typically see in American golf. And the best players in the world will be there just like they will for the Masters and U.S. Open.
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GoBucks89;1185969; said:
I would add the British Open to that list, especially if it's at St. Andrews or Royal Troon. The unique atmosphere and style of golf course is a nice change from what you typically see in American golf. And the best players in the world will be there just like they will for the Masters and U.S. Open.

Only problem, of course, is waking up to watch it OR giving up your morning/early afternoon golf on Sunday to watch the final round.

The primetime coverage on Saturday and Sunday for this U.S. Open was perfect. Wish they could have done the same on Monday.
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People often don't realize how much career money some of these guys make that never win a damn thing.

At Muirfield they always include career earnings in the course booklet and the earnings for some players who are anything but household names is remarkable.

Luke Donald, Joe Durant, and Jonathan Kaye are all over 10 mil.

Guess whose name comes in 134th - below perennial greats like David Peoples, Ted Purdy and Vaughn Taylor?

Jack Nicklaus.
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To compare players now of those of yester year by looking at the money list is ludicrous and said. Guys today will win a championship probably would match the amount of money Jack won when he would win 4 championships.

Jack has probably made more money as a golf architect than he did well actually playing.
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Perhaps I missed the discussion on this, but I now see where Tiger was in fact playing against the advice of his Doctor who told him he could indeed risk further injury.

I just assumed he was not that stupid. This is his third surgery. For somebody who has goals to surpass Jack's career accomplishments this seems pretty short sighted.
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Oh8ch;1186037; said:
Perhaps I missed the discussion on this, but I now see where Tiger was in fact playing against the advice of his Doctor who told him he could indeed risk further injury.

I just assumed he was not that stupid. This is his third surgery. For somebody who has goals to surpass Jack's career accomplishments this seems pretty short sighted.
I have not seen that and assuming that is true and I have no reason to question you that would be indeed shortsighted on his part. I certainly would have waited for the surgeon's clearance before playing. I thought he was a smart person but this certainly puts a different thought in my mind.
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Oh8ch;1186037; said:
Perhaps I missed the discussion on this, but I now see where Tiger was in fact playing against the advice of his Doctor who told him he could indeed risk further injury.

I just assumed he was not that stupid. This is his third surgery. For somebody who has goals to surpass Jack's career accomplishments this seems pretty short sighted.

He was asked a question about this I believe on Sunday in the press conference re: whether the pain was something he just had to push through or whether it was something that could lead to bigger problems down the road. He kind of smirked and shrugged his shoulders. The reporter followed up with "You don't know?" His response, "I know."

I'll see if I can find a transcript.
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Very interesting read. Bent over to read a pott for the first time on Thursday.

It became obvious that, despite what Woods said before the tournament, he would not have played the U.S. Open were it not a major championship. His doctor had advised him against playing at all. Pain was evident from the first round on, and Haney said that Woods knew all along it would be that way.

"I'm not really good at listening to doctors' orders too well," Woods said. "So I end up -- hey, I won this week, so it is what it is."

Asked whether doctors told him he could further injure his knee, Woods only nodded in the affirmative. Asked whether he made things worse, Woods said, "Maybe." Still, once the tournament began, he said, there was no withdrawing.
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