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US Open Playoff (revised)

3074326;1185528; said:
I was really rooting for Rocco.. but I like Tiger, so it's a win/win. Didn't think I'd ever say this about golf (no offense - I'm just not a golf guy), but that was some of the most exciting sports I've seen in a long time.

Yeah, I don't watch golf, usually it tends to be slow and dull imo, but this weekend was amazing.
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[quote='BusNative;118553;6]Holy crap - I should be fired. Ive completely ignored work all day, and ate up bandwidth trying to watch the live feed.[/quote]
Thank you, slingbox. The feed kept cutting out so I just booted up the slingbox and it was all gravy.
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I was really rooting for Rocco.. but I like Tiger, so it's a win/win. Didn't think I'd ever say this about golf (no offense - I'm just not a golf guy), but that was some of the most exciting sports I've seen in a long time.

It was indeed win/win for Rocco. I don't think he has any idea yet how much difference this will make to him financially. The sponsors will be lining up at his door. And even though he didn't win what he did almost surpassed a win. Tiger had to be wondering what happened to "his" gallery. Even at the presentation ceremony it was overwhelmingly Rocco's Army.

As for watching it - I have never watched so much golf in my life. And I reluctantly must give some of the credit to the matchups in the first two rounds (reluctantly because it is unfair to fans at the venue). I got hooked Thursday watching Tiger, Phil and Adam and by Saturday I couldn't let it go. I recorded and watched every stroke (which boils down to about 1/10 real time when you are taping).

Great long weekend for golf.
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If you aren't a golf fan, the 2 golf weekends you HAVE to watch during the year is the U.S. Open and The Masters. I am a golf fan so I catch it every weekend. Anyways, I was disappointed to see Rocco not pull it off. It's not that I dislike Tiger, I just wanted someone new to win. Especially since Rocco is such a cool guy, and he's really well liked. I knew that if it did go to the 3rd sudden death hole that he had no chance just because of Tiger's power. But I didn't expect Rocco to make that bad of a tee shot on the 1st sudden death hole. I thought that the par 3 was Rocco's best shot at winning since he had played them so well during the tourney (especially today) and tiger had played the opposite. But obviously it didn't get that far. Props to Tiger for sticking it out and making shots WHEN he had to.
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mstevmac;1185585; said:
If you aren't a golf fan, the 2 golf weekends you HAVE to watch during the year is the U.S. Open and The Masters. I am a golf fan so I catch it every weekend. Anyways, I was disappointed to see Rocco not pull it off. It's not that I dislike Tiger, I just wanted someone new to win. Especially since Rocco is such a cool guy, and he's really well liked. I knew that if it did go to the 3rd sudden death hole that he had no chance just because of Tiger's power. But I didn't expect Rocco to make that bad of a tee shot on the 1st sudden death hole. I thought that the par 3 was Rocco's best shot at winning since he had played them so well during the tourney (especially today) and tiger had played the opposite. But obviously it didn't get that far. Props to Tiger for sticking it out and making shots WHEN he had to.

Hats off to Tiger for the win but I am very sad that Rocco Mediate collapsed on the 18th hole. He deserved to win, coming back from three down on Tiger Woods. It was a fun round to watch.
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Steve19;1185594; said:
Hats off to Tiger for the win but I am very sad that Rocco Mediate collapsed on the 18th hole. He deserved to win, coming back from three down on Tiger Woods. It was a fun round to watch.

Yeah, it was great golf. I was wondering how Rocco was going to handle the pressure of having Tiger right next to him. I thought Westwood was going to win it but his game changed quite a bit on Sunday. I don't really think of Tiger Woods as "intimidating" but then again, I am not playing golf with him.
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OCBucksFan;1185670; said:
Yeah, it was great golf. I was wondering how Rocco was going to handle the pressure of having Tiger right next to him. I thought Westwood was going to win it but his game changed quite a bit on Sunday. I don't really think of Tiger Woods as "intimidating" but then again, I am not playing golf with him.

I think everyone's game changes a little bit when playing with him. Trying to match his drives etc...
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mstevmac;1185585; said:
If you aren't a golf fan, the 2 golf weekends you HAVE to watch during the year is the U.S. Open and The Masters. I am a golf fan so I catch it every weekend. Anyways, I was disappointed to see Rocco not pull it off. It's not that I dislike Tiger, I just wanted someone new to win. Especially since Rocco is such a cool guy, and he's really well liked. I knew that if it did go to the 3rd sudden death hole that he had no chance just because of Tiger's power. But I didn't expect Rocco to make that bad of a tee shot on the 1st sudden death hole. I thought that the par 3 was Rocco's best shot at winning since he had played them so well during the tourney (especially today) and tiger had played the opposite. But obviously it didn't get that far. Props to Tiger for sticking it out and making shots WHEN he had to.

when they announced that was the first i hole, i was a bit confused (because that is an odd hole to go to) and i also had a bad feeling that rocco was toast. that hole was butter for tiger during the week and rocco struggled with it just the same.
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fourteenandoh;1185691; said:
when they announced that was the first i hole, i was a bit confused (because that is an odd hole to go to) and i also had a bad feeling that rocco was toast. that hole was butter for tiger during the week and rocco struggled with it just the same.

That is true, Tiger in the playoff 18 on 6/7 he made birdies...I was a little surprised when they said 7/8/18 were the playoff holes. That didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
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Oh8ch;1185552; said:
It was indeed win/win for Rocco. I don't think he has any idea yet how much difference this will make to him financially. The sponsors will be lining up at his door. And even though he didn't win what he did almost surpassed a win. Tiger had to be wondering what happened to "his" gallery. Even at the presentation ceremony it was overwhelmingly Rocco's Army.

As for watching it - I have never watched so much golf in my life. And I reluctantly must give some of the credit to the matchups in the first two rounds (reluctantly because it is unfair to fans at the venue). I got hooked Thursday watching Tiger, Phil and Adam and by Saturday I couldn't let it go. I recorded and watched every stroke (which boils down to about 1/10 real time when you are taping).

Great long weekend for golf.

Great long weekend, indeed.

Hope you're right and that good things $$-wise come Rocco's way. Alot of people don't like watching golf on TV, yet Rocco made it fun with his personality and outstanding play over his 91 holes. And, for those who don't like watching golf on TV, my best advice is to attend a PGA event in person. What these guys can do with a club in their hand is amazing. Watching a guy on TV knock a 3 Wood to within 8 feet of the cup from 245 yards out is nothing. Watching it in person will give you chills. Literally.

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jwinslow;1185847; said:
Well, beyond the 13.7 million in career earnings before that tournament. No ramen noodle dinners at that house.

beat me to it.

Rocco's house used to be right on the 3rd hole at TPC Sawgrass before he moved down to Naples. He aint hurtin.

People often don't realize how much career money some of these guys make that never win a damn thing.

Briney Baird has never won a PGA tour event (261 starts). He has only finished top three 5 times and top ten 22 times. Baird only won 1 event on the Nationwide tour.

So for going out there and finishing top 10 less than once every ten starts he has career earnings of 8.8 million dollars. The money is insane.
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