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US Open Playoff (revised)

Looks like Rocco's luck has run out on the 91st hole. I feel bad for him. He had his chances, but at 45 and taking on the best player in the world he just came up one shot short...twice. :(
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I was really rooting for Rocco.. but I like Tiger, so it's a win/win. Didn't think I'd ever say this about golf (no offense - I'm just not a golf guy), but that was some of the most exciting sports I've seen in a long time.
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This was the best golf tournament I've ever watched. Tiger was pulling a bit of a choke for the past couple of days, but still somehow persevered (mainly, 18 saved his ass every day).

I'm an adamant Tiger fan, but I wouldn't have minded to see Rocco win.
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