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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

As mentioned earlier, Dorian Brew will be back at Ohio State this weekend for the Buckeyes’ game against the Gophers, so it’s little surprise the Buckeyes made the cut for Brew’s top 10 schools list released on Thursday.
Brew, considered the No. 21 prospect and fourth-best cornerback in 2025, has cut his recruitment down to Ohio State, Texas, Florida State, TCU, Penn State, Michigan, Florida, Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas A&M.

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That’s awesome. Definitely has pedigree! He sounds and acts like he’s a future Buckeye. Shared a lot of OSU stuff recently. Also saw him and Sanchez are really close friends (even goes to each others games).
Yeah, he’s OSU’s to lose. Now just have to figure out his true position. But he has plenty of time to figure that out(like Sonny Styles)
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