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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

Holy guacamole. That is very, very fast. I think Ginn was running like a sub 10.2 in HS to put Brew's numbers into perspective...and Brew is a junior so the times will likely improve. I know track times don't necessarily translate to performance on the field, but I love seeing the track performance. Already mentioned Ginn Jr, but Parris Campbell was another track star that was an excellent player and his speed translated well.

I am missing several others but point is that Brew is going to be a fun one to watch. In Columbus btw, this is a when and not if situation.
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Changed the thread title to update the position that OSU is now looking at Brew for. Walton has been watching him all off season, and Brew has even been interviewed and said that OSU prefers him on defense(though other schools are still recruiting him for WR). Sounds like a Lorenzo Styles situation.
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The most impressive underclassmen in-state CB I can remember seeing. I can't see any way he isn't a 5* at CB unless he outgrows the position, even then I think he could easily transition to safety. I doubt he outgrows corner though, especially with guys like Sauce Gardner/Tariq Woolen showing it can be done. Has great instincts, plants and drives on the ball very well, obviously great closing speed, good hands, love how he plays physically already with his hands with natural instinct, very impressive talent.

I also didn't realize until the 11W article today that his mom just isn't a former track alum, but an OSU Athletics Hall of Famer.......go ahead and book it, he'll be a Buckeye!
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The most impressive underclassmen in-state CB I can remember seeing. I can't see any way he isn't a 5* at CB unless he outgrows the position, even then I think he could easily transition to safety. I doubt he outgrows corner though, especially with guys like Sauce Gardner/Tariq Woolen showing it can be done. Has great instincts, plants and drives on the ball very well, obviously great closing speed, good hands, love how he plays physically already with his hands with natural instinct, very impressive talent.

I also didn't realize until the 11W article today that his mom just isn't a former track alum, but an OSU Athletics Hall of Famer.......go ahead and book it, he'll be a Buckeye!
I don't see how he can stay at CB, he's already 185lbs going into his Junior year. I don't see him hitting campus under 200lbs, and that's as a true frosh. Gardner is that size right now, and Woolen is only 10lbs heavier. I can see Brew actually playing in college around 210-215. If he can improve his coverage skills(which I'm sure he can and will) then you're talking about a very imposing S who can cover in space WRs, RBs and TEs without risk of being a liability. A CB skill and speed with the size of a S, pretty much who I thought Eugene Clifford would've been way back when:roll2:

Btw, speaking of insane genes, this is his dad :yow2:
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The most impressive underclassmen in-state CB I can remember seeing. I can't see any way he isn't a 5* at CB unless he outgrows the position, even then I think he could easily transition to safety. I doubt he outgrows corner though, especially with guys like Sauce Gardner/Tariq Woolen showing it can be done. Has great instincts, plants and drives on the ball very well, obviously great closing speed, good hands, love how he plays physically already with his hands with natural instinct, very impressive talent.

I also didn't realize until the 11W article today that his mom just isn't a former track alum, but an OSU Athletics Hall of Famer.......go ahead and book it, he'll be a Buckeye!
Love the review and yes, he'll be a Buckeye. I'm very happy he is shaping into a CB though, we need that way more than WR. But he's going to benefit more from that position change than we are imo...not similar from a player perspective, but Lattimore comes to mind in terms of a guy that could be a great WR, but an excellent DB.

You won't have to wait long on getting the good news for this guy.
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I don't see how he can stay at CB, he's already 185lbs going into his Junior year. I don't see him hitting campus under 200lbs, and that's as a true frosh. Gardner is that size right now, and Woolen is only 10lbs heavier. I can see Brew actually playing in college around 210-215. If he can improve his coverage skills(which I'm sure he can and will) then you're talking about a very imposing S who can cover in space WRs, RBs and TEs without risk of being a liability. A CB skill and speed with the size of a S, pretty much who I thought Eugene Clifford would've been way back when:roll2:

Btw, speaking of insane genes, this is his dad :yow2:

Totally possible, but I also think if he's listed at 6'2 185 he's probably closer to 6'1 180. Growth at that age is unpredictable, but I do like that the size parameters for CB seem to be growing (no pun intended) which can only help in this case.
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Looking ahead, the 2025 class within the Ohio borders is once again loaded with top national talent, and it will be the goal as always to lock down the top recruits Ohio State is already after. A similar situation, 2025 boasts another top tier defensive back in Northmont’s Dorian Brew, and with how important that position is in every recruiting class, the Buckeyes are already all over this recruitment and are looking to seal this one up early.

The No. 27 player nationally, Brew is the fifth-ranked cornerback in the class and the top player in Ohio per the 247Sports Composite. A 6-foot-2, 185 pound athlete with well over 20 offers to his name, Brew is set to be back on campus this weekend for the home opener versus Youngstown State. Though the trek to Columbus isn’t a long one, any time the Buckeyes can host the top in-state player for an unofficial visit it’s a win. Seeing how well the defense played last week, Brew has to like what he is seeing from the cornerback position and where he too could fit in the mix if he does in fact choose to stay close to home.
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Great to see Ohio once more being able to produce top football talent. Seem to have fallen way behind Georgia in this regard, will never be able to touch Cali, Texas, or Florida. Brew seems to be the kinda player coaches say, wherever you want to play.....maybe a true two way guy? Regardless, would be a great piece to place on the Buckeye board. Go Bucks!
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Great to see Ohio once more being able to produce top football talent. Seem to have fallen way behind Georgia in this regard, will never be able to touch Cali, Texas, or Florida. Brew seems to be the kinda player coaches say, wherever you want to play.....maybe a true two way guy? Regardless, would be a great piece to place on the Buckeye board. Go Bucks!
Absolutely, so glad to have more homegrown talent in recent cycles. The talent in Ohio in '23 and moving forward has been markedly better. For '25, Brew is likely the best in the state, though St. Clair is not far off...then several more offerees behind them. Always a bonus when a recruit is an Ohio kid.
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