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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

When mom(who’s an OSU Track HOFer) approves, you know you’re in a good spot!

I also didn’t realize how talented Dorian was in track as well(I mean it’s in the genes). But a freshman in HS running an 11.2 100m and 50.4 400m :yow2:

Those are unreal numbers. Being from Dayton, pretty cool to see a Northmont kid get offered by OSU...I think the last one we had was Kurt Coleman, who did quite well here (and about decapitated me in HS, but I forgave him after a great OSU career). Brew kind of reminds me of Parris Campbell though with the Ohio track speed and being ability to be a utility guy (jet sweeps, swing passes, etc.). When you have almost every top national WR committing here, you have to be awfully special to get an offer at that position. No inside knowledge at all yet, but I would think we are the house favorite to get his commitment. Mom is an alum and we almost never miss a Dayton-area recruit.
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Those are unreal numbers. Being from Dayton, pretty cool to see a Northmont kid get offered by OSU...I think the last one we had was Kurt Coleman, who did quite well here (and about decapitated me in HS, but I forgave him after a great OSU career). Brew kind of reminds me of Parris Campbell though with the Ohio track speed and being ability to be a utility guy (jet sweeps, swing passes, etc.). When you have almost every top national WR committing here, you have to be awfully special to get an offer at that position. No inside knowledge at all yet, but I would think we are the house favorite to get his commitment. Mom is an alum and we almost never miss a Dayton-area recruit.
Another OSU comparison to think about is Corey ”Philly” Brown. Both have similar sizes and frames, as well as both excelling in track(Brown ran a 10.54 100 and 21.41 in 200)
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Another OSU comparison to think about is Corey ”Philly” Brown. Both have similar sizes and frames, as well as both excelling in track(Brown ran a 10.54 100 and 21.41 in 200)

I would definitely take another Philly Brown, I think Campbell leaped to mind being from Ohio. Both were used in pretty similar ways and had similar track ability/size/skillsets, so I think Brew could be an awesome asset in the future. Seems we've gone to more pure WR types or at least utilize our WRs that way, an approach I am on board with. But if you have a guy that can house a huge jet sweep with track speed (that is the biggest reason I was thinking Campbell), use them that way. I think Brew can be a more pure outside WR the same way McClaurin and Campbell have proven they can be in the NFL, but point is Brew is a guy you find ways to get the ball to and could be really fun to watch in the 614.
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Tom LoyIrishIllustrated.comNotre Dame Insider
0 / 0 (0.00%)
1604 / 2004 (80.04%)

1/16/2312:06 PM

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Do you believe he ends up in OSU class ?? I have not seen many recruiting experts projecting him IN.
Because he's in the 2025 class, not too many experts have weighed in, but the few unbiased ones know that he's OSU's to lose. Especially with mom being an alum and one of OSU's best female track athletes.
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Because he's in the 2025 class, not too many experts have weighed in, but the few unbiased ones know that he's OSU's to lose. Especially with mom being an alum and one of OSU's best female track athletes.
Thanks brother. It's been a long week.

Being a Vandalia Butler grad and someone who had plenty of friends at Northmont I would love to see this ...
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