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2025 TX CB Dorian Brew (Oregon Verbal)

Texas A&M’s 2024 cycle is still building on its momentum after landing 13 recruits since May. Still, after the Aggies’ annual recruiting pool party last weekend, the 2025 cycle has sneaked into the conversation, as several high-profile athletes have developed relationships with Jimbo Fisher and his staff leading into next summer.

One of said 2025 visitors, five-star cornerback Dorian Brew, who, after offering him on June 13, followed up the Aggies’ interest by taking his first unofficial visit just four days later, on June 17, before his recent visit last weekend. As one of the top players in Ohio, Brew is currently positioned as the 28th-ranked player in the 2025 class, the 3rd-ranked cornerback, and the No.1-ranked player in Ohio, according to 247Sports Composite.

Receiving offers from the likes of Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Texas, and Florida State, Jimbo Fisher, and his staff will attempt to stake their claim as the best potential fit for Brew, who is also a standout wide receiver outside of his cornerback duties.

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Heard on Morning 5 that mid-season, Dorian Brew transferred to a Texas HS. No one seemed to have a handle on why or how, but all agreed it's not good - timing mid-season, flat going to Texas (guessing the A&M visit had something to do with it?), or ? Kurlic opined that tOSU is not out of it by any means, so there's that. Curiouser and Curiouser.....hope it's wrong. Go Bucks!
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Heard on Morning 5 that mid-season, Dorian Brew transferred to a Texas HS. No one seemed to have a handle on why or how, but all agreed it's not good - timing mid-season, flat going to Texas (guessing the A&M visit had something to do with it?), or ? Kurlic opined that tOSU is not out of it by any means, so there's that. Curiouser and Curiouser.....hope it's wrong. Go Bucks!
Birm said on THE Podcast that his father lives in TX, and he’s attending Conroe HS. It’s weird timing for sure, but could be a family thing. I’ve seen things like this happen a bunch, where a kid lives with another parent. Could be his mom wanted him to be raised by his dad. I’m trying to not be cynical and think that this is a move like Dylan Raiola to just switch schools
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Sanchez and Brew would be the dirtiest cover-corner duo on paper in recent memory in one class with recruiting that I can remember other than maybe Okudah/Wade. But if that happens, Woodby is another right in the same category.

To me, Brew is going to join Woodby. Sanchez is a wildcard, but we are favored. In the perfect storm of Woodby, Sanchez and Brew committing, you absolutely shut down CB recruiting (and keep recruiting each commit) and just look to '26 at that position.
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Sanchez and Brew would be the dirtiest cover-corner duo on paper in recent memory in one class with recruiting that I can remember other than maybe Okudah/Wade. But if that happens, Woodby is another right in the same category.

To me, Brew is going to join Woodby. Sanchez is a wildcard, but we are favored. In the perfect storm of Woodby, Sanchez and Brew committing, you absolutely shut down CB recruiting (and keep recruiting each commit) and just look to '26 at that position.
Idk man, even with those 3, idk if Walton passes up on Zackery. Just because I think by the time he hits college, Brew is going to out grow CB and become more of a Sonny Styles S.
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