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All in all, it's just been a shitty week for Tim. Watching the Reds game, it is readily apparent to me that Thom is cheating on Tim with Albert Pujols. Sorry to be the bearer of ill tidings, Timmy.
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According to Tom Rinaldi, who's on Tebow stakeout duty all week, Tebow was not reading as of yesterday. I'm pretty sure he was talking about books, not defenses.

But Tim reported to practice in full pads a little while ago. Practices are closed to the media all week, so what he's doing in practice isn't known.
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BB73;1559370; said:
According to Tom Rinaldi, who's on Tebow stakeout duty all week, Tebow was not reading as of yesterday. I'm pretty sure he was talking about books, not defenses.

But Tim reported to practice in full pads a little while ago. Practices are closed to the media all week, so what he's doing in practice isn't known.
My guess is to simulate game time situations. He is not taking snaps, he is only there in pads to walk briskly up and down the side line pumping his fist yelling "Let's Go!!"

Was it noted if they painted a big red stripe on him for the full effect?:sneaky:
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Re: Tebow was in full pads Tuesday and wearing a red non-contact jersey, which is normal for a quarterback. He was taking snaps with the first-team offense and throwing passes.
A person familiar with the situation told ESPN's Joe Schad that doctors were satisfied with the progress the quarterback has shown in balance, equilibrium and memory testing. He must reach certain measurable standards to progress to the next level in his participation.

Entire article: Florida quarterback Tim Tebow returns to practice, but not cleared to play - ESPN
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Tebow to be a game time decision
Whether Tim Tebow will play Saturday against LSU probably won't be determined until game time, Florida coach Urban Meyer said Wednesday.

Meyer said any announcement about Tebow's playing status wouldn't come "until the foot hits the ball down there."

Meyer said he expects Tebow to practice for the second straight day Wednesday but that the Gators' star quarterback has still not been cleared for contact after suffering a concussion Sept. 26 against Kentucky.

"I think that this will be a decision not made today," Meyer said. "After yesterday's practice, I was told to game plan with the intent that there's a chance that Tim could play. That's all I know. All the other stuff ... we'll make a decision as we get closer.

I saw this yesterday and thought I'd post it here. Looks like he might not even miss a game.
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