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elliemae;1553836; said:
You can see 2 bumps,not real bad but they are noticeable & the one if I wear certain shoes like my hiking boots,I get a tingling or it feels like a slight shock from an electric fence! I know all about those fences from having horses! I just can't stand it anymore.
The thing that scares me is going under anesthesia the most,the procedure should take about 45 minutes or so my surgeon said!
So I have to wear a walking boot for 5 weeks since that skinny fibula will have 7 holes in it,until it closes up.

This would have been a good place to use the "every time someone fires up the microwave I piss my pants and forget who I am for a half hour" joke.

Just sayin. :wink2:
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osugrad21;205062; said:
Scout $


Nothing new here. Tim denies having a leader but does discuss some of the schools who have offered him. He does say he would like a chance to play early and compete for a National Championship.

I love going back and reading these old pages in a thread. Tim, I think you got some MNC chances...
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Gatorubet;1553829; said:
Just checking...you do know that the LSU game is not this week, but the week after???

Sorry to hear that the screws are starting to protrude....that sounds....sorta icky. But it should make for the start of a Hellacious Halloween costume :banger: :biggrin:

Well I don't keep track of their schedule! But 2 weeks from the bell ringing he got still seems iffy! I'm not a doctor so whatever!
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BigWoof31;1554070; said:
I'm sorry - but what?
From my perspective, I think that if Tebow had committed to OSU he would have been molded into a pocket QB that could occasionally run and pick up a tough 5-7 yards, like Krenzel had been. That would not have been the best use of his talents.
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Someone created a facebook group called "Pray for Tim Tebow" and has several hundred members already... I am not kidding. This for a man with a common concussion, who was released from the hospital after ONE day, and may play a week later. In other news, at the current time no facebook group has been started for Stafon Johnson, a man who has a crushed larnyx, may not be able to speak for quite some time, and is out for the season.
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