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Meyer thinks Tebow won't miss game
GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- Florida coach Urban Meyer says he thinks quarterback Tim Tebow will play in the top-ranked Gators' next game, against No. 4 LSU on Oct. 10.

Meyer said Monday that Tebow has a headache, but is eating well. He thinks -- but doesn't know -- that his star player will be ready to go against the Tigers.

"It's a day-to-day thing how we responds to some tests tomorrow," Meyer said.

The coach also said that Tebow remembers the play in which he suffered a concussion during Saturday night's win over Kentucky.

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Onebuckfan;1553212; said:
Why is gettting a concussion while being sacked in the 3rd qtr of a blowout heroic!? Hell. Chris Chandler had multiple concussions and they arent putting him on Mt Rushmore!

If you're referring to my comment about ESPN saying that it'll be heroic, I was mocking ESPN's coverage. Thought that was pretty clear.
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Like I was sayin'

The Tebow Creed:
We believe in one Quarterback, Tim Tebow Almighty, Maker of Heismans and Championships, and of all things airborne and ground-based.

We believe in one Coach, Urban Meyer, the only Husband of Shelly,
eternally besotted of the Herbstreit,
Gone from Bowling Green, Lit from Utah,
Truly yanked from Kevin White,
beknighted, then made, one in coaching with the Ballcoach.
Through him all things were won.
For Gator fans and for their salvation
he came down from Utah:
by the power of the Gay-Ass Spread
he recruited Tebow, and became The Man.

For our sake Tim was suplexed under Taylor Wyndham,
he suffered, died, and was buried in the turf.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the ESPN talking heads;
he ascended into the starting role
and is positioned at the rear end of the Center.
He will come again in glory to beat the Tigers and the Tide,
and his kingdom will have no end.

Hard to tell if they're joking...

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Does anyone have any clue what Tim eating now has to do with him being better? Does your appetite suddenly vanish if you aren't better from a hit like that? The issue isn't how he is now until game time... it is how he will be upon one hit to the head from another player or from hitting the ground. Once you get one... its normally very easy to have another or like someone joked... 100. And personally if it meant my brain working correctly or being placed in jeopardy of turning to a jell-o mass.... I'd choose the first option.
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Umm....did anyone forget that Urban routinely lies about the health status of his players to avoid giving the opposition a leg up? If he says he thinks Tim will play, I'd put money on the Brantley scenario.
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Gatorubet;1553496; said:
Umm....did anyone forget that Urban routinely lies about the health status of his players to avoid giving the opposition a leg up? If he says he thinks Tim will play, I'd put money on the Brantley scenario.

LOL he seems like an NFL coach now...GO Redskins???
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Bucky Katt;1552967; said:
Tebow was concussed so that no man shall ever be concussed again?

I believe in the five-finger ministry. Whether it be the straight hand, the death punch, the pinky hinky, the ringer, or the thumb of hellaciousness; it's not a matter of whether he has cussed or concussed. He shall be forever and ever an expletive of m-verse proportions.

Or what you said. :lol:
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