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muffler dragon;1552878; said:
Unless it's a vicarious concussion...

I know this is a serious post.
I know the intent and meaning of what you say.
BUT I just can't get it out of my head that there's something oxy-moronic about it. :biggrin: Head injured clients convincing you about discernable damage. Just sounds funny.

Sorry, I have a morbid sense of humor.

Muff - you'd think they'd hire me if they weren't brain damaged?
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BuckeyeTillIDie;1552502; said:
It sucks for anyone to get any type of injury, but has there been a resurrection joke yet?

Who rolled away the stone from the front door of the Lexington hospital? And where did his standard-issue hospital bed sheet end up?

muffler dragon;1552878; said:
Unless it's a vicarious concussion...

Tebow was concussed so that no man shall ever be concussed again?
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Take, eat, in remembrance of Tebow.


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One thing that could keep him off the field is the style that he plays. I remember that hit he took from Berry against Tennessee. He is their leading rusher and he is a physical rusher. He leads with his head and doesn't like sliding. The Gators have struggled throwing the ball of late due to the lack of Harvin. This could get interesting. LSU will be gunning for Tebow also. Brain injuries aren't anything to mess around with. One more bad hit and he could be done for life.
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NateG;1553180; said:
One thing that could keep him off the field is the style that he plays. I remember that hit he took from Berry against Tennessee. He is their leading rusher and he is a physical rusher. He leads with his head and doesn't like sliding. The Gators have struggled throwing the ball of late due to the lack of Harvin. This could get interesting. LSU will be gunning for Tebow also. Brain injuries aren't anything to mess around with. One more bad hit and he could be done for life.

I think John Brantley starts, and the passing game is better for it. If we can get the run game going, and they start John off with lots of dinks and dunks to our quicks, we'll be fine. The strength of our team is the defense, and as long as we keep them at three TDs or less I think we take this one.
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Onebuckfan;1553212; said:
Why is gettting a concussion while being sacked in the 3rd qtr of a blowout heroic!? Hell. Chris Chandler had multiple concussions and they arent putting him on Mt Rushmore!
It is not heroic. No Gator I know thinks it is heroic. The only thing unique about it was the fact that it was so close to being a spinal cord thing, and that it took this long, four years, to have Tim be on the losing end of a collision, given the number of times he went into a short yardage situation with his head lowered.

And, unfortunately, his return, if successful, will be given huge attention with intense hype and much eSPIN knob jobbing, even though lots of players have similar injury issues every year. UF fans actually dislike the media adulation, as it works against him and us more than it helps us. It makes people who normally would like a sincere kid who is a hard worker, and makes him a target of hateful comments that is "collateral damage" from people sick to death of the praise heaped upon Tim by the talking heads.

I am impressed that he is about to break the SEC rushing TD mark set by Hershel, albeit Walker did it in three years. Still, for almost every one of those, everyone in the stadium knew what was happening and who would get the ball. The amazing thing to me is that he still got as m any of them as he did, considering the fact that every opposing DC knew who was going to get the fall before the snap.

It will get even more vomit inducing before it gets better, trust me. If he gets back and we win the freaking BCS again it will seen as more of a miracle than Armstrong's post-cancer comeback. I wish they'd just let us all play ball.
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Onebuckfan;1553212; said:
Why is gettting a concussion while being sacked in the 3rd qtr of a blowout heroic!? Hell. Chris Chandler had multiple concussions and they arent putting him on Mt Rushmore!

It's heroic because Tebow stood there like an old style scum QB with a guy running at him at full speed. He took the concussion to make up for all of our sins. Do you really think Tebow would stand there and take a hit like that without at least trying to get out of the way if there wasn't some greater purpose involved? Tebow is better than that. The only reason anyone ever touches him on the football field is because he wants them to.
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The worst part of severe concussions is that you just don't know how easy it will be to get the next one. Tebow might be back in a week then go down the next time he gets any kind of shot to the head. You just never know.

The guy I thought of immediately after seeing Tebow get hit was Stan Humphries. He had one real bad one then about 3-4 more in a 2 year period and had to quit the NFL. I remember the look on his face and how dilated his pupils were on the last one to this very day. It was disturbing to see and I'm not exactly squeamish.

If he's my kid (insert God joke here) we are going to have to seriously talk about the NFL. His style will put him on the other end of shots that kid from Kentucky simply cannot deliver.
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And, unfortunately, his return, if successful, will be given huge attention with intense hype and much eSPIN knob jobbing, even though lots of players have similar injury issues every year.
That's the part that will be heroic.
It makes people who normaly would like a sincere kid who is a hard worker, and makes him a target of hateful comments that is "collateral damage" from people sick to death of the praise heaped upon Tim by the talking heads.
This I agree with. But the bolded part below?
UF fans actually dislike the media adulation, as it works against him and us more than it helps us.
Completely disagree. There are many in the media who admitted they would vote in a 1-loss SEC team over a school from most conferences. Bama basically mimicked the trajectory of Michigan's 06, with an even more embarrassing conclusion, yet that year enhanced their prestige and credibility as a top-5 powerhouse. Gator fans wailed about the media bias in 06, only to watch their team cause an even more hyperbolic storm (that is now officially sponsored by the worldwide leader in sports).
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Wanted to separate the positive from the negative
It is not heroic. No Gator I know thinks it is heroic. The only thing unique about it was the fact that it was so close to being a spinal cord thing, and that it took this long, four years, to have Tim be on the losing end of a collision, given the number of times he went into a short yardage situation with his head lowered.
I've often wondered whether he'll eventually wear out the way RBs do. Perhaps harvesting his opponents souls with his demoralizing play refuels him.
I am impressed that he is about to break the SEC rushing TD mark set by Hershul, albeit Walker did it in three years. Still, for almost every one of those, everyone in the stadium knew what was happening and who would get the ball. The amazing thing to me is that he still got all of them, considering the fact that every opposing DC knew who was going to get the fall before the snap.
It is impressive and infuriating for opponents, which is another feather in his cap, especially when he fakes the dive and does that jump pass nonsense :lol: He deserves all of the accolades he receives. He's just a victim of the instant and sensationalized entertainment network formerly resembling a news entity.

Would you say defenses and schemes have caught up to him a bit in defending his passes? Is that more because of the absence of Percy?
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It took me a while to find it... but Florida's passing is mediocre at best right now. If a defense knows that they only need to focus on Demps(leading rusher...sorry Tebow (305-271) and rainey, and force a unproven QB into passing situations, The Florida defense might be on the field a long time. Plus the fact that Tebow helps Florida sustain drives (Florida number one in 3rd down conversions) Florida may need more than 21 points without Tebow.

National Ranks page NCAA- link http://web1.ncaa.org/mfb/natlRank.jsp
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