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The type of concussion Tebow had was one of the worst kinds... hit going one way, then hit going the other way... which leads to the brain bouncing back and forth and can lead to brusing and the shreading of cells. Throwing-up right after a possible head injury is a very bad sign. Everything is going to depend on how well his brain heals from that kind of hit. The good news is that Florida is taking every single possible precaution with him, so the chance of him returning back to normal is very good.
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OCBucksFan;1552448; said:
The over-dramatization that ESPN has following Tebows injury.

Yeah, I don't wish Tebow any harm (despite the irritating hyperbole that surrounds him), but ESPN is acting as though they're going to have to cancel the rest of the season for every team now that Tim Tebow is hurt. Perhaps if they hadn't gotten into the business of creating the news with hype, this wouldn't be an issue. But it's been Tebow Tebow Tebow for months now, and they're still trying to milk the kid for all he's worth.

Here's hoping that he makes a full recovery. I was really, really surprised at the way the training staff handled him (after a serious head/neck injury, there's no way in hell he should have been allowed to walk off the field - get him in a brace on a stretcher until you can get some imaging done to confirm no structural damage). Their carelessness could cause him some serious issues down the road.
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OCBucksFan;1552448; said:
The over-dramatization that ESPN has following Tebows injury.

I dunno, with a hit like that, you can have all kinds of problems that do not show up right away. My head injured clients over the years have convinced me that all of the damage from those type of hits are not always discernable right after the initial injury.

Brain injuries are funny things. You can get knocked out and bounce back rather quickly, or not even lose consciousness and die from a slow bleed. That bad luck of hitting his own guy's knee on the way down could easily have rendered him paralyzed, and may still have given him brain damage with short term memory loss and an inability to perform a list of tasks (sequencing) or even (like my neighbor hit on the head with a tree limb her husband trimmed) dwelling on single thoughts (perseveration).

I do not think that the status of his injury is even remotely conclusive at this time.

Had it been a shoulder separation, I might agree with you OC, but the Natasha Richardson death should remind us that any brain injury (and a concussion is a brain injury) is a serious deal. I will gladly lose a couple of games if it prevents putting Tim back in too soon.
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Gatorubet;1552477; said:
I dunno, with a hit like that, you can have all kinds of problems that do not show up right away. My head injured clients over the years have convinced me that all of the damage from those type of hits are not always discernable right after the initial injury.

Brain injuries are funny things. You can get knocked out and bounce back rather quickly, or not even lose consciousness and die from a slow bleed. That bad luck of hitting his own guy's knee on the way down could easily have rendered him paralyzed, and may still have given him brain damage with short term memory loss and an inability to perform a list of tasks (sequencing) or even (like my neighbor hit on the head with a tree limb her husband trimmed) dwelling on single thoughts (perseveration).

I do not think that the status of his injury is even remotely conclusive at this time.

Had it been a shoulder separation, I might agree with you OC, but the Natasha Richardson death should remind us that any brain injury (and a concussion is a brain injury) is a serious deal. I will gladly lose a couple of games if it prevents putting Tim back in too soon.

Honestly, I don't think ESPN should be handling this the way they are. They could report and go on and wait to see, but now they are reporting with pretty much no information and pointing out the worst case scenarios. Hope the kid is OK.
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Tebows concussion must be contagious.

I heard them trying to sell the story that his first words after regaining consciousness were "Did I hold on to the ball?" and I started throwing up.
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After seeing the hit, over...and over...and over, he's fortunate not to be paralyzed, especially since he's still a virgin.

Seriously though, I'm a Tebow fan in spite of my hatred for the Gators and the media obsession. I hope he recovers fully and quickly. Head injuries are always frightening.
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Gatorubet;1552477; said:
I dunno, with a hit like that, you can have all kinds of problems that do not show up right away. My head injured clients over the years have convinced me that all of the damage from those type of hits are not always discernable right after the initial injury.

Brain injuries are funny things. You can get knocked out and bounce back rather quickly, or not even lose consciousness and die from a slow bleed. That bad luck of hitting his own guy's knee on the way down could easily have rendered him paralyzed, and may still have given him brain damage with short term memory loss and an inability to perform a list of tasks (sequencing) or even (like my neighbor hit on the head with a tree limb her husband trimmed) dwelling on single thoughts (perseveration).

I do not think that the status of his injury is even remotely conclusive at this time.

Had it been a shoulder separation, I might agree with you OC, but the Natasha Richardson death should remind us that any brain injury (and a concussion is a brain injury) is a serious deal. I will gladly lose a couple of games if it prevents putting Tim back in too soon.

There are concussions this serious not on players named Tim Tebow, too. They said he paid the ultimate price, for Christ's sake. They're waaaaay over-doing it. Cover it, fine, but they're really treating it like a death. I wasn't kidding or trying to be funny when I said that.
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3074326;1552611; said:
There are concussions this serious not on players named Tim Tebow, too. They said he paid the ultimate price, for Tim Tebow's sake. They're waaaaay over-doing it. Cover it, fine, but they're really treating it like a death. I wasn't kidding or trying to be funny when I said that.
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3074326;1552611; said:
There are concussions this serious not on players named Tim Tebow, too. They said he paid the ultimate price, for Christ's sake. They're waaaaay over-doing it. Cover it, fine, but they're really treating it like a death. I wasn't kidding or trying to be funny when I said that.

The ultimate price would be death.

Short of that, there are other players who have paid a pretty hefty price. A recent Buckeye, Tyson Gentry, paid a fairly steep price. Too bad that when ESPN goes into this super sensationalize mode that there isn't one person at that network who can remember the Tyson Gentry's and help keep things in perspective.
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OCBucksFan;1552389; said:

Here is a comment posted after the story......gotta love those crazy Gator fans

MohamedMagic says: September 27, 2009, 11:8 AM ET
The strength of his neck is phenomenal. Had the same sequence of events happened to the average human you're looking at a possible hairline fracture or in some cases even paralysis.
Great to see the big fella has the all-clear.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1552226; said:
Im beginning to think Tebow might not be the living Christ. Any savior of mine doesn't get concussions.

Unless it's a vicarious concussion...

Gatorubet;1552477; said:
My head injured clients over the years have convinced me that all of the damage from those type of hits are not always discernable right after the initial injury.

I know this is a serious post.
I know the intent and meaning of what you say.
BUT I just can't get it out of my head that there's something oxy-moronic about it. :biggrin: Head injured clients convincing you about discernable damage. Just sounds funny.

Sorry, I have a morbid sense of humor.
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