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BB73;1552073; said:
They're just hoping to be able to cover a resurrection.
And the show off will only take two days to do it.

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Gatorubet;1552083; said:
Highly disagree.

At minimum it will be both miraculous and heroic.

My friends at the UK Med Center have already reported three blind patients regaining sight, and a woman re-growing an amputated limb.

Heck, at the Equine Center down the road, a horse that was gelded just impregnated another mare.

Lexington is lucky to have him stay over...
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While I never liked seeing players injured - I was with 7 of my very close friends watching some football when highlights came on during the break.

When that defender came off the edge, everybody was like "oh shit" then once he layed out Tebow the place went nuts. I mean, pretty sure they were doing shots.

While I don't condone such acts because as much as I hate Florida, I wouldn't want seeing that done to our players.

All that bullshit aside, the look on Tebows face when he sat up was priceless.

"Timmy, how many fingers am I holding up?"


... "he's good"
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Man, does this throw the Heisman race into chaos.

Tebow is badly concussed, which would seem to put his return several weeks away. Throwing up repeatedly when he left the field wasn't a very good sign.

Bradford has been injured, and he didn't play very well before he was hurt.

McCoy has been un-Heismanlike so far.

Jahvid Best looked like a possible candidate till he failed to show up against the Ducks.

Who now carries the mantle of favorite?
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MaxBuck;1552331; said:
Man, does this throw the Heisman race into chaos.

Tebow is badly concussed, which would seem to put his return several weeks away. Throwing up repeatedly when he left the field wasn't a very good sign.

Bradford has been injured, and he didn't play very well before he was hurt.

McCoy has been un-Heismanlike so far.

Jahvid Best looked like a possible candidate till he failed to show up against the Ducks.

Who now carries the mantle of favorite?

A good question, but one better suited for the Heisman thread.
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This might be a huge wake up call for Tebow though.

There are some pretty big boys in the SEC that'll knock you square on your ass... or flat on your back, depending on the hit.

Concussions are a bitch though, I'd expect him to be very tenative when he makes his return - gonna take a while to get over this one.
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