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elliemae;1553716; said:
I cannot believe Urban would play him for the next game! What a greedy b@st@rd he is! That kid took a shot! If I was his parents I'd be stepping in on the playing part!
Good Lord, you figured out how to break the lock on the cupboard door and got to the medicinal brandy!!
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elliemae;1553716; said:
I cannot believe Urban would play him for the next game! What a greedy b@st@rd he is! That kid took a shot! If I was his parents I'd be stepping in on the playing part!

If he's medically cleared to play and he wants to play - what can you do?

Not to worry Gator, The Dawgs will rough up LSU this weekend so you can sit Timmy after halftime next week :wink:

Or probably not....:( :sad:
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BigWoof31;1553767; said:
If he's medically cleared to play and he wants to play - what can you do?
Meyer hopes he will be able to play when the top-ranked Gators (4-0) return to the field Oct. 10 at LSU.
"I think so, but I don't know that," Meyer said.

The "Greedy bastard" is not driving this bus, that job belongs to the medical personnel. Meyer has said that he will do whatever the doctors say is the right thing. Tebow looks fine to him, but - as he says - "I don't know."

And if the doctors say that Tim is good to go, then why would Meyer be at fault for following doctor's orders?

In any event, look at Corch's comments before the SECCG. Looked liked we might see Percy. But Percy did not play a down. But we want LSU to practice for both Brantley and Tebow packages, soooooo....
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Never mind that. Just have the bottle handy when you have to view the story of how Tim insisted that he spend the majority of his time on the sick children's ward...
about that...
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Gatorubet;1553686; said:
Never mind that. Just have the bottle handy when you have to view the story of how Tim insisted that he spend the majority of his time on the sick children's ward...

I laughed for a second but now that you mention it I guarantee someone at that hospital didn't die Saturday night. Tim Tebow was in the hospital Saturday night. Coincidence? Gary, Kirk and Thom say not.

My only question is whats taking the boys in Bristol so long to run with this story? .
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osucollegebuck;1553798; said:
Any truth to the rumors that Meyer was in charge of Timmys bed pan in the hospital?

None. Demps was there to handle that. He emptied it out, got Tim a sandwich, brought him his laptop computer, dropped off his dry cleaning and picked up some advil for him - all in under 45 seconds.

Psst - Jeff Demps is fast!
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osucollegebuck;1553798; said:
Any truth to the rumors that Meyer was in charge of Timmys bed pan in the hospital?
Tim does not eliminate feces or urine. He rids himself of toxins by willing it out of his body in the form of the sweet aroma of fresh wild flowers, newly washed puppies, leather, and Old Spice.

In other news, Kiffin forced Crompton to have a severe concussion, and then announced to the press that UT was handling it in a better fashion.
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Gatorubet;1553734; said:
Good Lord, you figured out how to break the lock on the cupboard door and got to the medicinal brandy!!

Okay! Let me back up on that! You would think just as precautionary they would say keep him out another week! That's all!

I will break into the cupboard after Friday,let me tell you.
I have to have the 7 screws in my fibula removed since 2 of them are starting to protrude. They are leaving the 3 in my tibia,they do not bug me at all. So they are taking those out & scoping to get some scar tissue that is bugging me as well out!
So this is outpatient surgery!
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elliemae;1553816; said:
Okay! Let me back up on that! You would think just as precautionary they would say keep him out another week! That's all!

I will break into the cupboard after Friday,let me tell you.
I have to have the 7 screws in my fibula removed since 2 of them are starting to protrude. They are leaving the 3 in my tibia,they do not bug me at all. So they are taking those out & scoping to get some scar tissue that is bugging me as well out!
So this is outpatient surgery!
So, you'll be playing next week?
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elliemae;1553816; said:
Okay! Let me back up on that! You would think just as precautionary they would say keep him out another week! That's all!

I will break into the cupboard after Friday,let me tell you.
I have to have the 7 screws in my fibula removed since 2 of them are starting to protrude. They are leaving the 3 in my tibia,they do not bug me at all. So they are taking those out & scoping to get some scar tissue that is bugging me as well out!
So this is outpatient surgery!

Just checking...you do know that the LSU game is not this week, but the week after???

Sorry to hear that the screws are starting to protrude....that sounds....sorta icky. But it should make for the start of a Hellacious Halloween costume :banger: :biggrin:
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Gatorubet;1553829; said:
Just checking...you do know that the LSU game is not this week, but the week after???

Sorry to hear that the screws are starting to protrude....that sounds....sorta icky. But it should make for the start of a Hellacious Halloween costume :banger: :biggrin:

You can see 2 bumps,not real bad but they are noticeable & the one if I wear certain shoes like my hiking boots,I get a tingling or it feels like a slight shock from an electric fence! I know all about those fences from having horses! I just can't stand it anymore.
The thing that scares me is going under anesthesia the most,the procedure should take about 45 minutes or so my surgeon said!
So I have to wear a walking boot for 5 weeks since that skinny fibula will have 7 holes in it,until it closes up.
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