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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1560757; said:
Quote of the week came from Danielson, when they were talking about Tebow during the UGA - LSU game:

when discussing Tebow's recovery and off week....

"You'd think he'd be out helping make someone's life better"

The problem is Danielson just doesn't like Tebow enough, obviously.
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On Gameday, Corso quoted the studies that have shown that somebody that's had a concussion is 3 to 6 times more likely to get another one.

I'm glad he said that. Earlier in the week, a couple of ESPN studio idiots said that "If Tebow gets cleared medically, it means that he's no more likley to be hurt than anybody else."
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You know...I feel bad for the young man because this type of concussion is nothing to mess around with. But for crying out loud...please stop talking about him national media!

Kids all over the country get rocked every day. But the segment ESPN just aired about him...so sick of the circus...Let's just play some football!
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ant80;1564131; said:
[censored]ing great. Welcome to the second 2-time Heisman winner.

I'm not sure how a par game against LSU would warrant that. He didn't win that game for Florida, if anything, he should thank his defense, they were nasty. That pick he threw late in the game was terrible. If he wins, it's not because he's that great..........it's just because no one else in the country stepped up this year. I mean that, he's good............but I don't think he's great. McCoy should win it, he's a much better quarterback. Tebow is certainly not worthy of being a 2-time heisman winner.

I mean no disrespect to the kid, because I think he's a great athlete......I just don't get the instant hard on that goes with an announcer saying his name.
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daddyphatsacs;1564152; said:
I'm not sure how a par game against LSU would warrant that. That pick he threw late in the game was terrible. If he wins, it's not because he's that great..........it's just because no one else in the country stepped up this year. I mean that, he's good............but I don't think he's great. McCoy should win it, he's a much better quarterback. Tebow is certainly not worthy of being a 2-time heisman winner. If anything, he should thank his defense against LSU, they were nasty.

While I agree that McCoy should have won it last year, this year I believe he has 10 TD passes and 6 picks after tonight's game - hardly Heisman worthy numbers so far.
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BB73;1564167; said:
While I agree that McCoy should have won it last year, this year I believe he has 10 TD passes and 6 picks after tonight's game - hardly Heisman worthy numbers so far.

I guess I'm not a numbers guy. I have watched a handful of both the Texas and Florida games over the past few seasons, McCoy is more valuable. If Florida loses Tebow, they can lean on their defense to win games. If Texas loses McCoy, they are cooked.
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To paraphrase from Cajun man, the media has an erection for Tebows Resurrection and the rest of the Heisman field is playing like defecation.

I can't see any scenario outside of season ending injury that keeps him from winning it again this year. I would even go so far as to say it would depend on when the season ending injury occurred. If its late enough in the year they'd probably give it to him anyway.
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