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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

My top 4
1. tOSU
2. Wisky
3. PSU
4. Minny

because why not.


The perennial B1G COY wants to know why 4-0 Iowa isn't in your top 4.
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And why there should be no polls whatsoever until after week #6, so that teams that were ranked too high in the beginning don't have to lose 2-3 games show how overrated there were and teams not ranked high enough don't have to hope weaker teams ahead of them actually lose. I actually give Derpstreet and Fouler credit yesterday for stating something along the lines of "If you came from outer space and didn't know anything about any of the teams except for what you saw this season, you'd have Ohio State #1". And that's how it should be.
Week 4 at the earliest.

I get that early season polls are intrigue and drive ratings/revenue/etc, but with a true playoff now in place, they create an unfair bias. If they want to have some BS "media" poll to tack little numbers next to schools for their graphics, they should be scrapped and started all over after a few weeks of seeing how teams are ACTUALLY shaking out. But, that creates an inherent bias in its own right.
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Here's the breakdown of the Ohio State votes:

#1: 7 votes
#2: 5 votes
#3: 6 votes
#4: 13 votes
#5: 8 votes
#6: 19 votes (!)
#7: 3 votes

So right now, 30 of the 61 voters (49.2%) think that Ohio State is not a playoff team.

All three of the voters who placed Ohio State #7 have the Buckeyes behind four SEC teams (Alabama, Louisiana State, Georgia, and Auburn).

Get used to this....
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Here's the breakdown of the Ohio State votes:

#1: 7 votes
#2: 5 votes
#3: 6 votes
#4: 13 votes
#5: 8 votes
#6: 19 votes (!)
#7: 3 votes

So right now, 30 of the 61 voters (49.2%) think that Ohio State is not a playoff team.

All three of the voters who placed Ohio State #7 have the Buckeyes behind four SEC teams (Alabama, Louisiana State, Georgia, and Auburn).

Get used to this....
Anyone voting the Buckeyes below 4 just isn’t paying attention...
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Anyone voting the Buckeyes below 4 just isn’t paying attention...

They aren't paying attention. That's the point some of us try to make when we talk about ESPN's agenda driving the sport.

They are allowed to set the market in August and manage the narrative to fit those August pre-sets all year long because people are generally lazy and stupid so they just repeat what they hear.

If the echo chamber says half the SEC is better than OSU then, well hell it must be true.
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