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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Remember way back in the BCS days when computers were a major component to evaluating the best teams... We went the wrong way.. it was the human element we should have eliminated not the other way around.

Then we get something like the ESPN FPI ranking as "the computers"

It simple economics. The dominant media company in the business owns a piece of two conference's television rights.

Said media company is going to promote those two conference brands as sure as you were born.
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2014: OSU has a terrible loss. Somehow survives this.

Committee votes Ohio State in; chaos ensues; wrong teams wins title; Committee embarrassed. (Don't agree with this at all)

2015: OSU suffers an ugly loss as the best team but bored. Committee votes Michigan State in; Sparty shits the bed; Committee embarrassed.

2016: osu has a good loss. To avoid 2015, Committee votes Ohio State in; we shit the bed; Committee embarrassed.

2017: OSU suffers a horrific loss. Committee leaves Big Ten out; All SEC final!!! Perfect result!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!

2018: OSU suffers a horrific loss. Committee leaves Big Ten out; Clemson vs Alabama!!!! The Game of the Century!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!
Added the actual factor in all of those decisions.

None of the title games have come close to OSU-oregon, which involves a non fanbase. A reeling bottom line can't afford to leave out a surging osu. They can leave out a flawed one.
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The perennial B1G COY wants to know why 4-0 Iowa isn't in your top 4.

Seriously. Do you even chin bro?
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They aren't paying attention. That's the point some of us try to make when we talk about ESPN's agenda driving the sport.

They are allowed to set the market in August and manage the narrative to fit those August pre-sets all year long because people are generally lazy and stupid so they just repeat what they hear.

If the echo chamber says half the SEC is better than OSU then, well hell it must be true.
Pretty much every year you see some team usually SEC make a huge jump from being low or unranked because they beat some team that was highly ranked to start the season. Then that team goes on to lose 4-6 games and the team that got the huge jump is never corrected back down the ranks they are always ranked like they beat a top 3-10 team when said team could be unranked at end of the season or ranked 25 just so they pollsters don't have to say well our 3rd ranked preseason team was terrible and not top 25 worthy
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Remember way back in the BCS days when computers were a major component to evaluating the best teams... We went the wrong way.. it was the human element we should have eliminated not the other way around.
It wasn’t the general people that had a problem with the computers. It was the media hacks, whose job was being replaced by a computer, realizing that they couldn’t set the narrative and bitched endlessly.
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I didn't say a word. I posted two of the most outrageous replies to go along with the ESPiN hack's outrageous Tweet. I didn't want to assume the hack's gender. Also, they are jokes. You may not find them funny but others probably do. Feels like the offseason today after reading some of these posts after a big ass statement win.
Did I say you said them?
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I'm probably in the minority that feels that if tOSU deserves to be in the playoff, they'll be in. I don't think it was any conspiracy that kept us out the last two years, I think it was a pair of horrific losses to teams we should have beat. Not just that we lost, but HOW we lost.

That said, I do think that tOSU's margin for error is razor-thin and we definitely don't get the benefit of the doubt that SEC or Clemson get. Soooooo, take care of business, we're in.

Bottom line, don't get your asshole ripped out by mediocre teams the past two years, tOSU was in.
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True but they lost by the skin of their teeth once to a very good MSU in 2015 and got fucked out of the playoffs then too.

Can't have it both ways and tell me there isn't bias against OSU/B1G
Can't argue with that, I guess. There is definitely a bias, there's no arguing that. I just didn't have any heartache getting left out the last two years with really bad losses each season...and on the heels of no-showing against Clempson in 2016. Avoid those stupid losses and we're in.
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