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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

Can't argue with that, I guess. There is definitely a bias, there's no arguing that. I just didn't have any heartache getting left out the last two years with really bad losses each season...and on the heels of no-showing against Clempson in 2016. Avoid those stupid losses and we're in.
Avoid the stupid losses and in, for sure.

But the last two years were the first time I could remember so much attention being paid to the margin of defeat, and I believe that was stressed so much because it fit espn's agenda.
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True but they lost by the skin of their teeth once to a very good MSU in 2015 and got fucked out of the playoffs then too.

Can't have it both ways and tell me there isn't bias against OSU/B1G
Had they left the B1G out, that would be a different story. That was them leaving out the best team because msu took their lunch money in their home.
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Or said another way, go undefeated every year and OSU is in.

There is an inherent unfairness about that when it isn't a true statement for teams from the two conferences ESPN has a financial alignment with.

This stuff is holistic. Because not only are they listed higher giving them an inherent bias with the rankings and playoff positioning.. People believe this stuff. Recruits believe this stuff. If one conference has 5 top ten teams every year those team invariably BECOME better because kids want to go to those schools. Why is wake forest ranked but Minny isnt? There is an obvious conflict of interest skewing perception and results. I hope the other conferences and athletic directors take this stuff more seriously behind the scenes than they do in public.
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True but they lost by the skin of their teeth once to a very good MSU in 2015 and got fucked out of the playoffs then too.

Can't have it both ways and tell me there isn't bias against OSU/B1G

This is the one that bothers me most. I don't mind the Alabama's and Clemson's of the world getting a mulligan. It still grinds my gears that a defending champ with that much talent and that lost only one game to the #3 team in a game they didn't trail until the clock hit zero get ranked at #7 in the final poll. Then two years later nobody bats an eye when conference championship game non-participant Bama ends the season with a two score loss and gets in.

Fair enough but would they have left Bama or Clemson out in the same scenario?

We'll never know for sure but my guess is, no.

No need to guess. See 2017-18.
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Avoid the stupid losses and in, for sure.

But the last two years were the first time I could remember so much attention being paid to the margin of defeat, and I believe that was stressed so much because it fit espn's agenda.
The cooler thing is when the media conveniently forgot Georgia got its doors blown off by LSU. Yeah yeah LSU is a better team than Purdue, but if margin of defeat was that important, you'd think the media would cast a more critical eye towards the Bulldogs.
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Brett McFuckFace with A&M at 15
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So who is still alive for the 2019 College Football Playoff race?

Unbeaten Power 5 Teams (14 remaining)
Clemson, Wake Forest, Baylor, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Ohio State, Penn State, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Auburn, LSU.

There is still a decent amount of “y’all ain’t played nobody” in this group. Give it a couple weeks and the club will get a little more exclusive.

One-loss Power 5 Teams (18 remaining)
Duke, Virginia, TCU, Texas, West Virginia, Oklahoma State, Kansas State, Michigan, Michigan State, Notre Dame, Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Cal, Washington, Missouri.

If you’re in this group this early, your Playoff hopes are already on life-support. It is genuinely impressive that the Pac-12 has zero unbeatens left after Arizona State upset Cal on Friday night.

Unbeaten Group of 5 Teams (4 remaining)
Memphis, Southern Methodist, Boise State, Appalachian State

These teams at least have a theoretical shot to make the field, but they have to run the table, get a lot of help, and then have the committee decide to do something it has shown zero inclination to do at any point in history.
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If you gander into the "receiving votes" section

Missouri.....who lost to Wyoming. Is getting more votes than 2 undefeated teams (Baylor and Minnesota)

It's not like they have some spectacular win to make up for that loss either. Yet they are a couple of losses ahead of them from being in the top 25 :ohbrother:
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