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The Polls (AP, Coaches, & CFP, etc.)

AP poll is out

1. Alabama
2. Clemson
3. Georgia
4. Ohio State (2 points ahead of:)
5. LSU
6. Oklahoma
Unfortunately, the Bama/Tigger game on Nov 9th probably won't help us much. If Bama wins it solidifies its hold on #1. If LSU wins, they assuredly will jumps us because they beat #1 Bama, so even if Bama drops below us we gain nothing. Neither of them play Georgia in the regular season, so it's almost a lock that the Bama/LSU winner will play UGA in the SEC CCG, and if #3 UGA beats #1 Bama in a nail-baiter E$PiN will be clamoring for both to be included in the playoffs.
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Rank Team (No. 1 votes) Pts.
1 Alabama (29) 1,478
2 Clemson (18) 1,426
3 Georgia (4) 1,375
4 Ohio State (7) 1,324
5 LSU 1,322
6 Oklahoma 1,264
7 Auburn (3) 1,186
8 Wisconsin 1,046
9 Notre Dame 996
10 Florida 986
11 Texas 919
12 Penn State 878
13 Oregon 817
14 Iowa 731
15 Washington 603
16 Boise State 559
17 Utah 534
18 UCF 352
19 Michigan 350
20 Arizona State 249
21 Oklahoma State 215
22 Wake Forest 190
23 Virginia 186
24 SMU 151
25 Texas A&M 147

Also receiving votes: Michigan State 147, California 141, Memphis 71, Appalachian State 50, Army 44, Missouri 26, Baylor 19, Colorado 19, Minnesota 15, USC 7, Tulane 1, Kansas State 1

EDIT: Ohio State with 3 more #1 votes than Georgia, but 51 points behind them in the poll. Lots of voters still giving Ohio State too little credit, SEC too much credit.
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This is why preseason polls matter.
And why there should be no polls whatsoever until after week #6, so that teams that were ranked too high in the beginning don't have to lose 2-3 games show how overrated there were and teams not ranked high enough don't have to hope weaker teams ahead of them actually lose. I actually give Derpstreet and Fouler credit yesterday for stating something along the lines of "If you came from outer space and didn't know anything about any of the teams except for what you saw this season, you'd have Ohio State #1". And that's how it should be.
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And why there should be no polls whatsoever until after week #6, so that teams that were ranked too high in the beginning don't have to lose 2-3 games show how overrated there were and teams not ranked high enough don't have to hope weaker teams ahead of them actually lose. I actually give Derpstreet and Fouler credit yesterday for stating something along the lines of "If you came from outer space and didn't know anything about any of the teams except for what you saw this season, you'd have Ohio State #1". And that's how it should be.
Agree 100%
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These responses are NOT how you handle this nonsense. Telling her to go back to the kitchen, whatever about the gender gap, calling her a slut/bitch, just another female reporter......................just no. Her stupid take isn't hers. She doesn't believe this. It has nothing to do with being a woman. It has to do with her knowing her employer wants people to say stupid things to get exactly the reactions you're giving her.

This is the correct response:
She doesn't believe it. It's all an act. Calling her names that attack her gender isn't going to do anything but hurt other women who actually want to be in sports. Call her out by telling her you KNOW she's lying. She doesn't believe any of it. That's how you piss her off. That's how you get to a troll. You just let them know that you know their game, and it's pathetic.
My comment was more on the idiocy of all of this and we are only 5 weeks in. That being said whether or not they are her thoughts or not, she put them out there and as such she owns them. I could care less if it was put out by her or had been put out by any of her male counterparts.
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And why there should be no polls whatsoever until after week #6, so that teams that were ranked too high in the beginning don't have to lose 2-3 games show how overrated there were and teams not ranked high enough don't have to hope weaker teams ahead of them actually lose. I actually give Derpstreet and Fouler credit yesterday for stating something along the lines of "If you came from outer space and didn't know anything about any of the teams except for what you saw this season, you'd have Ohio State #1". And that's how it should be.

While I agree, there is no putting that genie back in the bottle. Hold the official polls until October and you will still have every talking head and sports organization releasing their own polls. Then in October, the voters can either:

-Meticulously research results from the first six weeks and objectively rank teams based on what happened on the field
-Find the ESPN/Fox poll, shuffle some teams around, and hit submit.

Wonder which one they will choose?

Works Cited: The Harris Interactive Poll.
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