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Obviously heather is just another female reporter the networks are trying to shove down our throats as "sports" reporters. The same idea as enforced women reporters in the locker rooms.

Yes I know she has experience as a sports reporter but I figure she forgot everything she ever learned.
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but if OSU is 13-0, it's in, no questions asked.
Ohio State goes 13-0, wins Big Ten
Oklahoma goes 13-0, wins Big XII
Clemson goes 13-0, wins ACC
Alabama goes 13-0, wins SEC
Georgia goes 12-1, loses to Alabama, beats Auburn, beats Notre Dame.

In that scenario, do you honestly think that Ohio State gets in over Georgia? Not a chance.

If Alabama and Clemson go undefeated (as expected), and Georgia's only loss is to Alabama in the SEC title game (a very real possibility), then Ohio State has two paths to the playoffs: (1) better record than Oklahoma; (2) more style points than Oklahoma. No way we win that style points battle, not with Oklahoma racking up arena football numbers on offense. So pray that Titty Bar Tom can knock off the Sooners (and we go undefeated).
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Ohio State goes 13-0, wins Big Ten
Oklahoma goes 13-0, wins Big XII
Clemson goes 13-0, wins ACC
Alabama goes 13-0, wins SEC
Georgia goes 12-1, loses to Alabama, beats Auburn, beats Notre Dame.

In that scenario, do you honestly think that Ohio State gets in over Georgia? Not a chance.

If Alabama and Clemson go undefeated (as expected), and Georgia's only loss is to Alabama in the SEC title game (a very real possibility), then Ohio State has two paths to the playoffs: (1) better record than Oklahoma; (2) more style points than Oklahoma. No way we win that style points battle, not with Oklahoma racking up arena football numbers on offense. So pray that Titty Bar Tom can knock off the Sooners (and we go undefeated).
Here’s the narrative we will hear JF not up to SEC level. Tua Fromm Hurts Lawrence better
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Ohio State goes 13-0, wins Big Ten
Oklahoma goes 13-0, wins Big XII
Clemson goes 13-0, wins ACC
Alabama goes 13-0, wins SEC
Georgia goes 12-1, loses to Alabama, beats Auburn, beats Notre Dame.

In that scenario, do you honestly think that Ohio State gets in over Georgia? Not a chance.

If Alabama and Clemson go undefeated (as expected), and Georgia's only loss is to Alabama in the SEC title game (a very real possibility), then Ohio State has two paths to the playoffs: (1) better record than Oklahoma; (2) more style points than Oklahoma. No way we win that style points battle, not with Oklahoma racking up arena football numbers on offense. So pray that Titty Bar Tom can knock off the Sooners (and we go undefeated).
Totally respect you LJB but TOTALLY disagree with your take here. Undefeated tOSU absolutely makes CFP regardless of ANY outcomes this year.
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and if the Dawgs beat Bama? tOSU is still a tossup. 10 of the writres have the BUcks in.

Here are the ESPN writers picks as of today
Andrea Adelson: 1. Alabama; 2. Clemson; 3. LSU; 4. Oklahoma
Edward Aschoff: 1. Clemson; 2. LSU; 3. Alabama; 4. Ohio State
Kyle Bonagura: 1. Alabama; 2. Oklahoma; 3. Clemson; 4. Ohio State
Bill Connelly: 1. Alabama; 2. Ohio State; 3. Oklahoma; 4. Clemson
Heather Dinich: 1. Alabama; 2. Auburn; 3. LSU; 4. Georgia
David M. Hale: 1. Alabama; 2. Ohio State; 3. Clemson; 4. Georgia
Sam Khan Jr.: 1. Auburn; 2. LSU; 3. Alabama; 4. Clemson
Chris Low: 1. Alabama; 2. Ohio State; 3. Auburn; 4. Clemson
Ivan Maisel: 1. Oklahoma; 2. Ohio State; 3. Clemson; 4. Alabama
Ryan McGee: 1. LSU; 2. Alabama; 3. Oklahoma; 4. Clemson
Adam Rittenberg: 1. Auburn; 2. Ohio State; 3. Alabama; 4. LSU
Alex Scarborough: 1. Clemson; 2. Oklahoma; 3. Alabama; 4. Ohio State
Mark Schlabach: 1. Alabama; 2. Georgia; 3. Oklahoma; 4. Ohio State
Tom VanHaaren: 1. Alabama; 2. Clemson; 3. Ohio State; 4. Oklahoma
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Totally respect you LJB but TOTALLY disagree with your take here. Undefeated tOSU absolutely makes CFP regardless of ANY outcomes this year.
Gotta agree with Nigel here, much respect but 13-0 OSU is in.
Maybe you're right. But in my scenario, who gets left out if not 13-0 Ohio State:

13-0 Alabama
13-0 Clemson
13-0 Oklahoma
12-1 Georgia (only loss to Alabama in SEC title game)
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and if the Dawgs beat Bama? tOSU is still a tossup.

See I kinda want this to happen to see the Bama crying about being left out. Then I remember 2 years ago when Bama feasted on a weak schedule. Lost to the only team they played worth a damn and didn't make the title game and got in because hurrr durr Bama. So the last team I want it to be down to is us and Bama.
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Ohio State goes 13-0, wins Big Ten
Oklahoma goes 13-0, wins Big XII
Clemson goes 13-0, wins ACC
Alabama goes 13-0, wins SEC
Georgia goes 12-1, loses to Alabama, beats Auburn, beats Notre Dame.

In that scenario, do you honestly think that Ohio State gets in over Georgia? Not a chance.

I honestly think OSU gets in over UGA in that scenario, yes.

You can't find a bigger non-believer in the CFP selection process than me but even for them I would be impossible to leave an undefeated major conference champ out for a 1 loss conference runner up, S-E-C or no.

I will add that I honestly believe, even more strongly, that that scenarios will not play out.
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