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Barton Simmons: "Ohio State deserves to be No. 1 right now"

The Ohio State Buckeyes went into a crazed atmosphere in Lincoln on Saturday and silenced it pretty quickly. By halftime, it was 38-0 and there were calls for the Buckeyes to be the new No. 1 team in the country.

Clemson struggled against an unranked North Carolina team, so the No. 1 spot seemed up for grabs. Despite Ohio State’s dominance on Saturday, there was a little pushback to the idea that it should be the nation’s top team. The biggest knock on the Buckeyes was that they haven’t faced much resistance. Well, 247Sports Director of Scouting and CBS Sports expert Barton Simmons shot down that argument on the Cover 3 Podcast’s reaction to Week 5’s games.

“Yeah, I think Ohio State deserves to be No. 1 right now,” Simmons said. “Obviously, this isn’t a grand proclamation that I think they’re going to win the national championship.”

Because we’re still in the first half of the season and not very deep into conference play, comparing resumes can be a challenge. The transitive property only makes things more confusing, so Simmons advises people to look at the results. If people do that, it’s tough to argue that the Buckeyes should get that top spot in the newest top 25 rankings.

“The hot take, or at least the warm take, is Ohio State should be No. 1,” Simmons said. “The counter hot take is, ‘Oh, overreaction city. They just beat Nebraska.’ It’s like, wait a minute. If we really don’t have that much to go on yet, we’ve got a bunch a games against a bunch a teams that a bunch of teams are better than. Then let’s at least actually dig into what has happened and base our opinion on what has happened instead of what we thought the No. 1 team should be before the season. If you actually dig into the results, I really don’t know how you can argue that someone has a better resume of better results so far than Ohio State.”

When it comes to the quality of competition that Ohio State has played, it’s not like they’ve been playing a bunch of FCS cupcakes. The Buckeyes already have two Big Ten road wins under their belt, and they have yet to play a game that was in question after the half. Ohio State has whipped every team it’s played so far this season.

“Yeah, they haven’t beaten anyone who’s that good, but Indiana is not bad,” Simmons said. “They beat them 51-10. Indiana is a pretty decent team. They almost beat Michigan State today. Nebraska is not bad. They just beat them 48-7. They beat Cincinnati 42-0. They’re not just beating people. They’re totally dominating. They’re taking their souls.”

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...Jfwd8qBc8EIeKGASPlAPGYF12VQCWCmm9vhTeqetyTcj8

ESPN updates Football Power Index after Week 5

3. OHIO STATE (5-0)


The word: Behind four total touchdowns from Justin Fields, Ohio State moved into the No. 3 slot in ESPN's latest FPI rankings after dismantling Nebraska, 48-7, in a game that was supposed to be the Buckeyes' first true test of the season. Instead, the defending Big Ten champs jumped out to a 38-0 halftime lead in a game that was one-sided from the get-go in primetime.

"I think we're very confident right now," Fields said. "We came into Lincoln -- the crowd is amazing here -- and it was loud at the beginning. We handled it well, jumped on them early and didn't let up."

Entire article: https://247sports.com/college/ohio-...-Tide-Georgia-Bulldogs-136276343/#136276343_8
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Just a reminder: The Big Ten champ has not made the playoffs the past three years. It's almost like the Committee looks for ways to keep the Big Ten champ out of the playoffs.

Last time B1G champ got in:

Bama 38
Sparty 0

Last time any B1G team got in:

Clemson 31
Buckeyes 0

It's now as if Ohio State winning the first CFP never happened.
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This retarded slut also has her top 4 CFP teams as the top four in that tweet. Like, if you think the 4 best teams in the country are in the SEC (3 in the West,) ummmmm okay. But if you think the playoff would ever be that, you’re certifiably a stupid bitch.

You can’t fix stupid....

Obviously heather is just another female reporter the networks are trying to shove down our throats as "sports" reporters. The same idea as enforced women reporters in the locker rooms.

Yes I know she has experience as a sports reporter but I figure she forgot everything she ever learned.
These responses are NOT how you handle this nonsense. Telling her to go back to the kitchen, whatever about the gender gap, calling her a slut/bitch, just another female reporter......................just no. Her stupid take isn't hers. She doesn't believe this. It has nothing to do with being a woman. It has to do with her knowing her employer wants people to say stupid things to get exactly the reactions you're giving her.

This is the correct response:
If you think she really believes what she picked is realistic, you're a certifiably stupid bitch.

She's been trying hard for the past few years the "say the most controversial thing for ratings/clicks" shtick. The major difference is that I have never once heard her be entertaining. At least most of the other fan-baiters can make their trolling fun from time to time.

P.S. - you are not really a stupid bitch. I reserve that title for khaki droolers.
She doesn't believe it. It's all an act. Calling her names that attack her gender isn't going to do anything but hurt other women who actually want to be in sports. Call her out by telling her you KNOW she's lying. She doesn't believe any of it. That's how you piss her off. That's how you get to a troll. You just let them know that you know their game, and it's pathetic.
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Just a reminder: The Big Ten champ has not made the playoffs the past three years. It's almost like the Committee looks for ways to keep the Big Ten champ out of the playoffs.
I certainly understand the fear of giving those asshats on the Committee a reason to leave us out ...

Fortunately the assumption of a "undefeated / conference champ" doesn't give them the chance.
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These responses are NOT how you handle this nonsense. Telling her to go back to the kitchen, whatever about the gender gap, calling her a slut/bitch, just another female reporter......................just no. Her stupid take isn't hers. She doesn't believe this. It has nothing to do with being a woman. It has to do with her knowing her employer wants people to say stupid things to get exactly the reactions you're giving her.

This is the correct response:
She doesn't believe it. It's all an act. Calling her names that attack her gender isn't going to do anything but hurt other women who actually want to be in sports. Call her out by telling her you KNOW she's lying. She doesn't believe any of it. That's how you piss her off. That's how you get to a troll. You just let them know that you know their game, and it's pathetic.

If she was a male, I’d call her a cock gobbler or dipshit or something and all would be fine. It’s all in fun and I’m not @ing her because Twitter is more retarded than her or her employer’s hot takes. I have no problem with her speaking because she’s a woman. I made no mention of her gender, it just changed my kept-to-BP-only insults. I have a problem with her whoring her own thoughts out to her biased network. Male/female, stupidity knows no gender.

Is it okay to still rag on that cockhole Mark Whicker?
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Last time B1G champ got in:

Bama 38
Sparty 0

Last time any B1G team got in:

Clemson 31
Buckeyes 0

It's now as if Ohio State winning the first CFP never happened.
2014: Committee votes Ohio State in; chaos ensues; wrong teams wins title; Committee embarrassed

2015: Committee votes Michigan State in; Sparty shits the bed; Committee embarrassed

2016: Committee votes Ohio State in; we shit the bed; Committee embarrassed

2017: Committee leaves Big Ten out; All SEC final!!! Perfect result!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!

2018: Committee leaves Big Ten out; Clemson vs Alabama!!!! The Game of the Century!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!
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Ohio State goes 13-0, wins Big Ten
Oklahoma goes 13-0, wins Big XII
Clemson goes 13-0, wins ACC
Alabama goes 13-0, wins SEC
Georgia goes 12-1, loses to Alabama, beats Auburn, beats Notre Dame.

In that scenario, do you honestly think that Ohio State gets in over Georgia? Not a chance.
Is that a small possibilitu? Sure. Is there complete certainty about that happening to the most marketable brand ? Please.
If Alabama and Clemson go undefeated (as expected), and Georgia's only loss is to Alabama in the SEC title game (a very real possibility), then Ohio State has two paths to the playoffs: (1) better record than Oklahoma; (2) more style points than Oklahoma. No way we win that style points battle, not with Oklahoma racking up arena football numbers on offense. So pray that Titty Bar Tom can knock off the Sooners (and we go undefeated).
When osu has OSU problems, then the big ten struggles matter. When they take care of business, they do not.

OSU had an osu problem in the mid 00s, or they would have become the new usc

They had an osu problem in 2010, 13, 15, 17, 18. They would have been in the bcs or playoffs each year if undefeated.

Because they weren't, much was said about their failure, then afterwards, about their secondary warts, often including the league.

They got in with a 2014 team that was extremely questionable and not one of Meyers best in the regular season. They got in with a good not great team in 2016. They'll get in with a pretty good undefeated team in 2019. Lose and they likely miss it unless others also have a lot of warts

Non ACC owning media members would be holding the ACC against them if Clemson hadn't transformed their image with Watson. But they got it done, or came really close, so people forgot all about clemsoning.

Win out and it's all partisan noise. Lose and all of the warts are examined.
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2014: Committee votes Ohio State in; chaos ensues; wrong teams wins title; Committee embarrassed

2015: Committee votes Michigan State in; Sparty shits the bed; Committee embarrassed

2016: Committee votes Ohio State in; we shit the bed; Committee embarrassed

2017: Committee leaves Big Ten out; All SEC final!!! Perfect result!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!

2018: Committee leaves Big Ten out; Clemson vs Alabama!!!! The Game of the Century!!!! Kudos to the Committee!!!!
depends on who you're listening to.
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These responses are NOT how you handle this nonsense. Telling her to go back to the kitchen, whatever about the gender gap, calling her a slut/bitch, just another female reporter......................just no. Her stupid take isn't hers. She doesn't believe this. It has nothing to do with being a woman. It has to do with her knowing her employer wants people to say stupid things to get exactly the reactions you're giving her.

This is the correct response:
She doesn't believe it. It's all an act. Calling her names that attack her gender isn't going to do anything but hurt other women who actually want to be in sports. Call her out by telling her you KNOW she's lying. She doesn't believe any of it. That's how you piss her off. That's how you get to a troll. You just let them know that you know their game, and it's pathetic.

I didn't say a word. I posted two of the most outrageous replies to go along with the ESPiN hack's outrageous Tweet. I didn't want to assume the hack's gender. Also, they are jokes. You may not find them funny but others probably do. Feels like the offseason today after reading some of these posts after a big ass statement win.
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