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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said this at one of his introductory interviews:
Offensively I want to be balanced. I think in the SEC, the SEC is the line of scrimmage league. The difference between the SEC and all of the other leagues are simply this, the defensive linemen.

So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.

So if there is to be a "shut the hell up SEC" victory by the Buckeyes, then the mobility and legs of TP will likely be the catalyst that creates the "W".

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Buckeneye;1835143; said:
Comparing the 2010 Hogs Dline to the 06' Gators and 07 Tigers?

Yeah. Not so sure about that...

I didn't compare them. I noted the comment from a recent Big-12 Head Coach-in-Waiting who now is an SEC coach. It may all be coach speak, but he is on record as saying that all conferences have great skill players, but that the difference in the SEC is the defensive line play. Obviously, all SEC squads will not have great D-lines. See the '10 Gator bunch. But as the SEC has an impressive BCS record (14-5), the top tiered teams - (the SEC BCS teams) - should have great D-lines if the generalization has any weight to it.

So I am not predicting it Buckeneye, or agreeing with a theory that the Hawgs d-line will win the day for the SEC, I am just putting forth a comment that was made by a coach familiar with two major conferences and throwing it out there.

I happen to agree that the difference, in a general way, counting for our (SEC) recent success in BCSCG is our athletic D-line play. Our (Gator) D and Percy won our '08 championship. The goal line stand where we stuffed Okie third and fourth down runs comes to mind.

So I am not saying you will lose to the Hawgs because of the Oh-My-God SEC better than your D-line times EleventyOne!!!!! percent! - - - - I am just inserting a point of discussion. It seems to me if there is any truth to the generaliaztion that you have a weapon in TP that will nullify that Hawg hypothetical advantage.
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That's a huge jump, gator. I agree the difference between the SEC and other leagues are the defensive lines. That doesn't say squat about what role Arkansas plays in that. They certainly have some athletes there, but they aren't one of the flag bearers for that stereotype.
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Gatorubet;1835131; said:
New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said this at one of his introductory interviews:

So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.

So if there is to be a "shut the hell up SEC" victory by the Buckeyes, then the mobility and legs of TP will likely be the catalyst that creates the "W".

I agree with this to an extent but I think it extends past the SECFL.... our 02 team had one of the best d lines in Ohio State history and Miami had no idea what to do against it...true story. Its not just speedy rush ends (Hardy) either its the big fat interior d lineman as well IE Dorsey, Mascell Darius etc... SEC does seem to have an abundance of them but I think it extends to any good team.... Although Auby??? they have that guy that spears people but that is prolly not what will win them their NC.
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jwinslow;1835178; said:
That's a huge jump, gator.
That is why I was not "jumping". :wink2:

jwinslow;1835178; said:
I agree the difference between the SEC and other leagues are the defensive lines.
Yep. Guys like Nick Fairly can be a game changer.

jwinslow;1835178; said:
That doesn't say squat about what role Arkansas plays in that. They certainly have some athletes there, but they aren't one of the flag bearers for that stereotype.
Yep, yep, and yep.
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Gatorubet;1835131; said:
New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said this at one of his introductory interviews:

So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.

So if there is to be a "shut the hell up SEC" victory by the Buckeyes, then the mobility and legs of TP will likely be the catalyst that creates the "W".

:lol: Fuck Will Muskchamp. He's sucking SECock because he now coaches there. If he were hired to replace an obviously dead for six years JoePa, he'd be saying that he needs to have a strong blah fuckin' blah because the B10 does (insert bullshit here) better than everyone.

I'm not saying the SEC champs haven't had strong DLines, just that I don't really give a shit what he says because he has motive.
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BUCKYLE;1835197; said:
:lol: [censored] Will Muskchamp. He's sucking SECock because he now coaches there....I don't really give a [censored] what he says because he has motive.
Like you wouldn't suck SECock for $$ 2.7 million Kyle...

...why, if you made that much, I'll tell you what you'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man!
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