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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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SEC school is always the home team in the Sugar Bowl IIRC.
Yep, I had that confirmed today. Is Wisconsin the home team in the Rose Bowl in the same pholosphy then?

This will be Jim Tressel's 8th BCS bowl, and we've worn white every time but one, against Florida.

Besides beating the SEC, i'd also like to win this one to have a 6th BCS bowl win to move into a tie with USC for wins (even though the record books have to say they only won 5 since 2005 was vacated, they still actually won the game).
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JXC;1834303; said:
Yep, I had that confirmed today. Is Wisconsin the home team in the Rose Bowl in the same pholosphy then?

This will be Jim Tressel's 8th BCS bowl, and we've worn white every time but one, against Florida.

Besides beating the SEC, i'd also like to win this one to have a 6th BCS bowl win to move into a tie with USC for wins (even though the record books have to say they only won 5 since 2005 was vacated, they still actually won the game).

We wore away jerseys against Florida and home jerseys against LSU in the Sugar Bowl.
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MaxBuck;1834322; said:
We wore red jerseys against LSU because LSU's home jerseys are white; we were the away team.

It is my understanding that the BCS #1 gets the choice of uniform. In 2006 I distinctly remember Ohio State choosing to wear white against Florida. In 2007, Ohio State was the BCS #1 and I assume chose to wear scarlet.
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Wells4Heisman;1834317; said:
We wore away jerseys against Florida and home jerseys against LSU in the Sugar Bowl.

That's the way I remember it, too.

MaxBuck;1834322; said:
We wore red jerseys against LSU because LSU's home jerseys are white; we were the away team.

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1834413; said:
It is my understanding that the BCS #1 gets the choice of uniform. In 2006 I distinctly remember Ohio State choosing to wear white against Florida. In 2007, Ohio State was the BCS #1 and I assume chose to wear scarlet.

Yeah - I remember a discussion of "make LSU wear their purple jerseys, just to be mean!" I think Tressel even made a public comment about choosing to wear home uniforms, even though he normally chooses to wear away uniforms. Maybe it was specifically to be nice to LSU.

Edit: Also, the discussion was about the Sugar Bowl. Ohio State vs. LSU was not the Sugar Bowl.
Edit: http://louisianastate.scout.com/2/712713.html
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NateG;1834893; said:
Just need to say something about how slow arkansas has looked or that their QB is overrated and all the pigs will come flying back.

ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.
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