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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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kchogfan;1834899; said:
ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.

Actually we think S-E-C is the worst game chant in all of college football. :P
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Poe McKnoe;1834894; said:
It got below freezing in Arkansas.

They all froze to death.

Some of us get a little slower, like red wasps in the cold weather, easier to smack us around then.

I hear the temps in the Super Dome are very warm, where we'll be able to fly around fast and deliver a mean sting!

I figure after Christmas bidness will pick up here at the Planet.

BTW, nice site!:cheers:
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kchogfan;1834899; said:
ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.


I forgot to use sarcasm font........

Seems a bit touchy about those statements though.....

Guess I'll stop joking around.
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WildHog;1834914; said:
Some of us get a little slower, like red wasps in the cold weather, easier to smack us around then.

I hear the temps in the Super Dome are very warm, where we'll be able to fly around fast and deliver a mean sting!

I figure after Christmas bidness will pick up here at the Planet.

BTW, nice site!:cheers:

hahaha resting heart rate down to 4bpm.....gotta be 72 degrees for optimum SEC speed:biggrin:
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kchogfan;1834899; said:
ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.

Its ok it was sarcastic me thinks
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kchogfan;1834899; said:
Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.
I don't know about it being the single worst chant in football.. but I did youtube it and I do think it's pretty stupid. I'm sure you guys think the OH-IO or the O-H-I-O is stupid too, who cares?
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kchogfan;1834899; said:
ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.

Just for reference, my grandmother runs a 4.3 in full gear. She was from the south though...

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kchogfan;1834899; said:
ROTFLMAO. This Hog never left! Yes please, say all you want about how slow Arkansas looks, tell the Buckeyes that please! Tell them that Mallett is overrated(that may be true, but i really don't think so). Tell them that our O-line is stupid and lazy, that our D never stopped anybody all year long. That our secondary couldn't cover your grandmother.

Be sure and mention what many of the BuckeyePlanet think, that "Calling the Hogs" is the single WORST game chant in all of college football and that Arkansans are still on the lower rung of the evolutionary ladder.

Then, be sure and watch the game. The Razorback Nation will make you realize we are for real. That although we haven't been to 9 BCS bowls like the Buckeyes, none of those teams are playing on January 4th. It is only THIS year's teams.

Well, they are playing like Betty White out there. Better hide the snickers
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WildHog;1834914; said:
Some of us get a little slower, like red wasps in the cold weather, easier to smack us around then.

I hear the temps in the Super Dome are very warm, where we'll be able to fly around fast and deliver a mean sting!

I figure after Christmas bidness will pick up here at the Planet.

BTW, nice site!:cheers:
Wasps can't sting Silver Bullets.
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