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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Gatorubet;1835206; said:
Like you wouldn't suck SECock for $$ 2.7 million Kyle...

...why, if you made that much, I'll tell you what you'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man!

I'll give Buckyle more credit than using his newfound wealth to have sex with 2 women at once.

I'm thinking 3 at a minimum.
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Gatorubet;1835131; said:
New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said this at one of his introductory interviews:So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.

So if there is to be a "shut the hell up SEC" victory by the Buckeyes, then the mobility and legs of TP will likely be the catalyst that creates the "W".

I actually agree with that. The difference was on the Defensive Line. I can admit it.

However, I think Mike Adams is a very good left tackle who is good enough to handle any SEC defensive end right now, this year.

It just so happened that in 06 and 07 we had Alex Boone.

Thank God that Ohio State will have some nasty defensive linemen in our next few recruiting classes.
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jwinslow;1835178; said:
That's a huge jump, gator. I agree the difference between the SEC and other leagues are the defensive lines. That doesn't say squat about what role Arkansas plays in that. They certainly have some athletes there, but they aren't one of the flag bearers for that stereotype.

I think you're reading too much into his statement.

SEC strength is D-line. That's all.

All it means is our O-line needs to control the line of scrimmage. We do that, and the SEC has nothing on us. It's not inaccurate to say LSU and Florida's D-line outperformed our O-line. We have a far better O-line than we did back then, and Arkansas D-line isn't on the level of 06 Florida or 07 LSU. But controlling their D-line is still a requirement to win this game.
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I think we are really gonna play some defensive, fast physical football. Not that the offense won't play good too but I just see us playing some lights out football. We need to impose our will and I think that we will. Or at least hopefully we will. Go Bucks.
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RockstarBuckeye;1835419; said:
Our defense knows they must rise to the occasion and play lights out. I read on yahoo sports that they are excited to be facing a more traditional "pro-style" offense.

I'm not sure they should be excited for this. Wisconsin was the only decent "pro-style" team we played this year and they whipped us. Seems our defense has evolved over the last 5 years to stop the spread and we do much better against those types of teams.

Maybe they are just excited to prove that they can stop a pro style offense since that is where they have struggled the past two seasons.
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I see the difference in this game as our offense and TP against their run defense.
I think our defense will slow them down enough that if we can make plays in the run game we control the clock enough to squeak out a win.
And our special teams could be an advantage in this game. Funny as that sounds. But we have become healthy and better on special teams.
Bucks in a close one.
Mmmmm! Bacon!
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Gatorubet;1835131; said:
New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said [that the SEC is the line of scrimmage league and that the primary thing that distinguishes the SEC from other conferences is the caliber of defensive line play] at one of his introductory interviews:So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.
Personally, I think it was LSU's O-line prevailing against OSU's D-line that was the difference in that game. OSU's O-line pleasantly surprised me by stalemating LSU's vaunted D-line, at least as I saw it. But I agree with the idea that both recent SEC vs. OSU MNC games were decided primarily by line play, rather than by "SPEED".
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zincfinger;1835465; said:
Personally, I think it was LSU's O-line prevailing against OSU's D-line that was the difference in that game. OSU's O-line pleasantly surprised me by stalemating LSU's vaunted D-line, at least as I saw it. But I agree with the idea that both recent SEC vs. OSU MNC games were decided primarily by line play, rather than by "SPEED".

I'm not sure I agree. What was maddening about that game was that LSU was able to convert on 3rd down consistently. They'd have 3rd and 3 and pick up 4 or 3rd and 6 and pick up 7. LSU only had 326 total yards of offense in that game but they had 25 first downs. Zero big plays but they moved the chains. The 3-1 turnover margin also killed Ohio State. But I digress.
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Bill Lucas;1835467; said:
I'm not sure I agree. What was maddening about that game was that LSU was able to convert on 3rd down consistently. They'd have 3rd and 3 and pick up 4 or 3rd and 6 and pick up 7. LSU only had 326 total yards of offense in that game but they had 25 first downs. Zero big plays but they moved the chains. The 3-1 turnover margin also killed Ohio State. But I digress.
Maybe I'm missing something, but it sounds to me like your observations are in perfect agreement with what I was arguing.

The bolded part happened repeatedly, and that's because LSU was able to dial up a 4 yard run up the gut nearly at will. And that's because the interior of their O-line was consistently beating the interior of OSU's D-line, particularly on running plays.
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Gatorubet;1835131; said:
New Gator Head Coach Will Muschamp said this at one of his introductory interviews:

So if he is right, then this whole game will be the Pryor versus Hawgs' D-line battle. UF won the d-line battle in Glendale, although the Teddy G. story was a more popular topic. LSU's D-line prevailed, IMO, in the Buck's last Superdome battle.

So if there is to be a "shut the hell up SEC" victory by the Buckeyes, then the mobility and legs of TP will likely be the catalyst that creates the "W".

I think that has been compounded by the less than expected play by Ohio State offensive lines as of late. This year's line, even with JB slowed with an injured foot, has been head and shoulders above past seasons, especially in pass protection. Against UF, they did nothing to adjust for the rush. Against LSU, Boeckman was a sitting duck and even our field goal line was getting blown up.
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Poe McKnoe;1835471; said:
I think that has been compounded by the less than expected play by Ohio State offensive lines as of late. This year's line, even with JB slowed with an injured foot, has been head and shoulders above past seasons, especially in pass protection. Against UF, they did nothing to adjust for the rush. Against LSU, Boeckman was a sitting duck and even our field goal line was getting blown up.
It's not clear to me that this year's O-Line is that much better than some of the previous ones. In '06 for example, the O-Line generally did a decent job against some good-to-very-good defenses. Florida had an excellent D-Line, no doubt, but it wasn't THAT much better than Michigan's, if at all. And yet, a couple of botched long-snaps aside, OSU's O-Line held their own against an excellent Michigan D-Line, and then imploded against a comparably excellent (in my opinion) Florida D-Line. I'm still not sure why that is.
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The Game was played in a mud wrestling pit. They struggled against Illinois, and were just alright against PSU.

They also had a sharp, mobile QB who was on top of his game. Had they had the overweight (mentally & physically) Troy in the regular season, they would have dropped a few games.

The 07 line was not that great, they were getting stuffed by Akron for crying out loud, they just were the least ugly team after a month long series of failures by the top ranked foes.
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zincfinger;1835477; said:
It's not clear to me that this year's O-Line is that much better than some of the previous ones. In '06 for example, the O-Line generally did a decent job against some good-to-very-good defenses. Florida had an excellent D-Line, no doubt, but it wasn't THAT much better than Michigan's, if at all. And yet, a couple of botched long-snaps aside, OSU's O-Line held their own against an excellent Michigan D-Line, and then imploded against a comparably excellent (in my opinion) Florida D-Line. I'm still not sure why that is.

According to our southern friends its lack of fast twitch muscle fiber.... I mean no way would Michigan have fast twitch guys....:roll2:
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