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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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jwinslow;1835178; said:
That's a huge jump, gator. I agree the difference between the SEC and other leagues are the defensive lines. That doesn't say squat about what role Arkansas plays in that. They certainly have some athletes there, but they aren't one of the flag bearers for that stereotype.

That's true enough about the Arkansas reputation and whatnot, but you don't get through the SEC at 10-2 without having a pretty good set of lines.
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SmoovP;1835929; said:
Whelp, they aren't Leaders or Legends.

Not yet anyway.

Neither are our conference divisions for that matter.

We shall see on game day but I like our chances to run the ball and stop the run vs Arkansas. We need pressure vs Mallet and no turnovers from our offense to get the job done.
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"That's right man. Don't take any guff from these fucking swine."

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SmoovP;1835929; said:
Whelp, they aren't Leaders or Legends.

Not yet anyway.

I can't think of any decent comeback for this smack because there is no way to recover from the Leaders / Legends debacle. You will forever be able taunt me with this smack and all I can do is take it because this division name fail. Thanks Delaney.
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matcar;1836025; said:
I can't think of any decent comeback for this smack because there is no way to recover from the Leaders / Legends debacle. You will forever be able taunt me with this smack and all I can do is take it because this division name fail. Thanks Delaney.

Delaney needs some damage control, and now! How about a contest from the fans? The fan who gives the winning names receives season tickets from their school for the 2011 season?
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kchogfan;1836027; said:
Delaney needs some damage control, and now! How about a contest from the fans? The fan who gives the winning names receives season tickets from their school for the 2011 season?

From the divisons thread:

TS10HTW;1804458; said:
Admittedly, these divisons are for football only so why not use what Big Ten football is all about?


You're welcome. :biggrin:
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matcar;1836025; said:
I can't think of any decent comeback for this smack because there is no way to recover from the Leaders / Legends debacle. You will forever be able taunt me with this smack and all I can do is take it because this division name fail. Thanks Delaney.
I read an article today on Fox saying that the Big Ten is considering changing the names. Please Santa this is what I want for Christmas.
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kchogfan;1835649; said:
I am not quite sure which planet you are living on......but i must say Arkansas's O-Line is most certainly in the same solar system as Wisconsin's.

You're kidding, right? Wisconsin has two OL that will be first-day picks in the draft. Wisconsin averages 5.52 ypc and has 46 rushing TDs. Arky averages 4.64 ypc and has 22 rushing TDs. That means Wisconsin runs the ball almost a yard per carry better and has over twice as many rushing TDs.
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MililaniBuckeye;1836309; said:
You're kidding, right? Wisconsin has two OL that will be first-day picks in the draft. Wisconsin averages 5.52 ypc and has 46 rushing TDs. Arky averages 4.64 ypc and has 22 rushing TDs. That means Wisconsin runs the ball almost a yard per carry better and has over twice as many rushing TDs.

You still don't get it do you? Arkansas has passed for over 3,000 yards and did not even show a run game until game 6. You can't compare those statistics, they are meaningless. Statistics are like sluts, you can do anything you want with them. We will be successful with the pass. Arkansas has 5 receivers with over 500 yards apiece. Arkansas's running back, Knile Davis has over 1100 yards, almost all came in the last 6 games. OSU may be great, and I don't doubt that, but Arkansas is not a cupcake either! Respect goes both ways!
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