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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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kchogfan;1836413; said:
Don't bet a lot of money on that statement.

Do you really think if Arkansas is held under 100 yards rushing they will win? Are you saying that Petrino is wrong when he says you pass to get the lead and run to win the game? I think what everyone is saying is if Arkansas doesnt play a balanced game....say 200 rushing 300 passing they will more than likely lose.... No one is ripping the Hogs this is common football knowledge no???
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bassbuckeye07;1836445; said:
game....say 200 rushing 300 passing they will more than likely lose.... No one is ripping the Hogs this is common football knowledge no???

They get 200 rushing and 300 passing, we're getting a serious ass kicking. Thats more than balanced methinks.

I'd say 140 rushing and 250 passing for them is balanced enough to win. Thats exactly the stat I want us to have in this game to be honest.Though maybe closer to 165 and 225.
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Yards are one thing, points are another. Arkansas has scored 448 points (good for 18th in the nation) while tOSU has scored 473 (11th in the nation) this season. What does that mean for the Sugar Bowl? Little to nothing. What does matter is when two proficent offenses show up and get punched in the mouth by stubborn defenses. The Sugar Bowl will come down to defense and the effectiveness of the defenses on third down, holding the opposing offense to FG attempts in the red zone and forcing turnovers.

What kind of match up problems will the Arkansas offense pose? I would say the tight end...I don't think they'll sit back and give Mallett the same look everytime. Look for tOSU to mix up coverage between Hines, Bryant, Homan and Johnson. Whatever is most effective for the defense to stop the run and not sacrifice too much in coverage would be the obvious answer. Not trying to say this is the only key to the game, just wondering what some of the Arkansas visitors think.

This Buckeye defense can play with any team in the country and I think the same could definitely be said for the Hog offense. The other units? tOSU offense vs the Arkansas defense is very interesting.
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MililaniBuckeye;1836544; said:
Take my word for it, if your offense becomes one-dimensional, we will shut it down...

Perhaps you are right. I really don't think that Arkansas will be one dimensional however. Our O-Line has been really impressive the last 6 games. That being said, I know OSU didn't win 11 games by being mediocre! I look for turnovers being the difference in the score. Hopefully, Mallett can avoid the interceptions and have another 350 yards passing.
Go Hogs!
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CastyourMallet;1836671; said:
Oh. Well 175 yards passing sounds like a good half of football. But if you say so.

I'm guessing that's Wisconsin's average passing yardage per game for the year, which has no correlation to their game with OSU and the question of whether they were one dimensional. In the game against OSU, Wisconsin ran for 184 and passed for 152, if you think that's one dimensional then there's nothing we can do for you. It was Tolzien's effective in the passing game, i.e., not making them one dimensional that was the key to the game. Well, that an that opening kick off return td.
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holybuckeye33;1836689; said:
I'm guessing that's Wisconsin's average passing yardage per game for the year, which has no correlation to their game with OSU and the question of whether they were one dimensional. In the game against OSU, Wisconsin ran for 184 and passed for 152, if you think that's one dimensional then there's nothing we can do for you. It was Tolzien's effective in the passing game, i.e., not making them one dimensional that was the key to the game. Well, that an that opening kick off return td.

You're right, I gave them too many yards. But still it's more like 1.5 dimensional. Special teams may very well determine the Sugar Bowl, which has been a weakness for both teams and especially the Hogs. I hope the game is determined by a great play however, rather than a bad mistake. I can't believe its 5 days to Santa, and 15 to Sugar.
I learned on a Buckeye site today that the Hogs had the 10th best recruiting class in the country. Can't wait to see how Bobby will do with the recruiting classes he's getting now.
BTW, even if we are 1 dimensional Jan.4th, we'll still get 300 yards passing.
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