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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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For the last time, Wisconsin possibly outclassing Arkansas' line does not mean that Arkansas is a cupcake or not very good upfront themselves. It merely means Wisconsin is outstanding.

Wisconsin's three backs had 1029, 936, 864 yds with 14, 13, 17 TDs. They were unbelievable this year.
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kchogfan;1836381; said:
We will be successful with the pass. Arkansas has 5 receivers with over 500 yards apiece. ... Arkansas is not a cupcake ...
1. Arkansas is not a cupcake; you have a fine team.

2. Nobody has beaten the Buckeyes with the passing game in the recent past. Teams have tried many times but failed. If you can't run effectively against Ohio State, you will certainly lose.
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MaxBuck;1836404; said:
1. Arkansas is not a cupcake; you have a fine team.

2. Nobody has beaten the Buckeyes with the passing game in the recent past. Teams have tried many times but failed. If you can't run effectively against Ohio State, you will certainly lose.

Don't bet a lot of money on that statement.
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kchogfan;1836413; said:
Don't bet a lot of money on that statement.

Okay then,
you are a cupcake!

Seriously, I think for Arky it starts with the passing game. The passing game sets up the running game.

I hope we shut down the passing game, get a few picks. Wouldn't bother me if you ran for 140 yards, as long as the final score is (to repeat my prediction) 38-27 OSU.

Go Bucks!
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kchogfan;1836381; said:
You still don't get it do you? Arkansas has passed for over 3,000 yards and did not even show a run game until game 6. You can't compare those statistics, they are meaningless. Statistics are like sluts, you can do anything you want with them. We will be successful with the pass. Arkansas has 5 receivers with over 500 yards apiece. Arkansas's running back, Knile Davis has over 1100 yards, almost all came in the last 6 games. OSU may be great, and I don't doubt that, but Arkansas is not a cupcake either! Respect goes both ways!

I like the part where you said stats are meaningless and then went on to give us stats. :tongue2:
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kchogfan;1836381; said:
You still don't get it do you? Arkansas has passed for over 3,000 yards and did not even show a run game until game 6. You can't compare those statistics, they are meaningless. Statistics are like sluts, you can do anything you want with them. We will be successful with the pass. Arkansas has 5 receivers with over 500 yards apiece. Arkansas's running back, Knile Davis has over 1100 yards, almost all came in the last 6 games. OSU may be great, and I don't doubt that, but Arkansas is not a cupcake either! Respect goes both ways!

If I said the Patriots have a better O-line, is that insulting Arkansas?
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