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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Nicknam4;1836714; said:
Yes I am having a deja vu here from last season...

It sounds like the Oregon fans who said they'd rush for 275-300 and throw for another 175-225 and score atleast 40 points. BTW where did all those OU posters go after the Rose Bowl? That's right, after they rushed for 179 and threw for 81 and only scored 17 points they were never heard from again.
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kchogfan;1836731; said:
Please, it is Arkansas, not Ar-Kansas. Kansas became a state much later than Arkansas. We dont call it Oh-eoh. this is such a simple insult that it seems beneath you. I know you can do much better than Ar-Kansas!
It was not a shot at everyone in Arkansas, just a shot at the crazy comments of that one fan. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.
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Nicknam4;1836742; said:
Actually it sounds sort of like arc-in-sauce

Ok, That is funny! Actually we love our BBQ sauces! South Carolina does a mustard base sauce, most of the South uses a ketchup based sauce. I like both kinds and make my own from my father's recipe. BTW, everywhere in the South, it is pork BBQ, Texass uses beef brisket mostly. Baby back ribs and pork shoulder or pork butt are the favorites down South.
BTW, Arkansas hates Texass as much as you hate Michigan. Our 2 favorite teams are Arkansas and whoever is playing Texass. I love that they couldn"t make a bowl this year!
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