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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Buckeyes are masters of every stat but one...

I've honestly never seen fans as well versed and adept with stats. I think maybe that's a function of constantly trying to prove you belong with with the Gators, Tide, or Tigers. But 0 for 9 is the one that trips you up. Sorry, but those weren't all against National Champions. Has any other school lost 9 to a single conference in bowl games? I know you can rattle that answer off immediately. Ah yes. Call it class-less. But oh yes the Super Dome will resound with chants of SEC. SEC. SEC. Now kick me out and pretend it's for civility and decorum, when you know you have no answer save the same threadbare excuses. WPS.
And by the way, we'll win another NC in basketball before you win one. See you in the Thunderdome.
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i see this in someone's future:

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The only thing I know is 0-9 sure keeps me up at night. Is tOSU playing the entire SEC conference in this game? Didn't think so. Is Arkansas playing the entire big ten? Negative. And a couple pages back, ohio state and arkansas fans alike admitted stats mean NOTHING in this game. But apparently the only thing that sticks is 0-9. Fans of both teams have every right to say why they think their team could win because both teams are good and bring a lot to the table. But to say you'll win because the sec is 9-0 vs osu is arrogant and borderline mental.
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CastyourMallet;1836826; said:
And by the way, we'll win another NC in basketball before you win one. See you in the Thunderdome.
Wait a moment. Is this basketball smack?

You'll win another basketball NC before OSU wins one? You do realize that OSU has won a basketball championship, right? You do realize that OSU has played in the title game five times to Arkansas' two, right? You do realize that OSU has as many Final Four appearances as Arkansas has Sweet Sixteen, right?

Havlicek? Lucas? Kellogg? These names ring a bell?

GTFO. :slappy:
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CastyourMallet;1836826; said:
I've honestly never seen fans as well versed and adept with stats. I think maybe that's a function of constantly trying to prove you belong with with the Gators, Tide, or Tigers. But 0 for 9 is the one that trips you up. Sorry, but those weren't all against National Champions. Has any other school lost 9 to a single conference in bowl games? I know you can rattle that answer off immediately. Ah yes. Call it class-less. But oh yes the Super Dome will resound with chants of SEC. SEC. SEC. Now kick me out and pretend it's for civility and decorum, when you know you have no answer save the same threadbare excuses. WPS.
And by the way, we'll win another NC in basketball before you win one. See you in the Thunderdome.

I don't know about 9, but Arkansas has lost 10 to a single conference.
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