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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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kchogfan;1836748; said:
Ok, That is funny! Actually we love our BBQ sauces! South Carolina does a mustard base sauce, most of the South uses a ketchup based sauce. I like both kinds and make my own from my father's recipe. BTW, everywhere in the South, it is pork BBQ, Texass uses beef brisket mostly. Baby back ribs and pork shoulder or pork butt are the favorites down South.
Unless you are from my wife's home state of Louisiana, then they eat what ever doesn't eat them first!:osu::slappy:
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kchogfan;1836748; said:
Ok, That is funny! Actually we love our BBQ sauces! South Carolina does a mustard base sauce, most of the South uses a ketchup based sauce. I like both kinds and make my own from my father's recipe. BTW, everywhere in the South, it is pork BBQ, Texass uses beef brisket mostly. Baby back ribs and pork shoulder or pork butt are the favorites down South.
BTW, Arkansas hates Texass as much as you hate Michigan. Our 2 favorite teams are Arkansas and whoever is playing Texass. I love that they couldn"t make a bowl this year!

North Carolina is more famous for its' barbeque than SC. NC is a vinegar based sauce. Very delicious!
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kchogfan;1836748; said:
Ok, That is funny! Actually we love our BBQ sauces! South Carolina does a mustard base sauce, most of the South uses a ketchup based sauce. I like both kinds and make my own from my father's recipe. BTW, everywhere in the South, it is pork BBQ, Texass uses beef brisket mostly. Baby back ribs and pork shoulder or pork butt are the favorites down South.
BTW, Arkansas hates Texass as much as you hate Michigan. Our 2 favorite teams are Arkansas and whoever is playing Texass. I love that they couldn"t make a bowl this year!

I love all BBQ... I must say I was stationed in North Carolina at Ft Bragg and used to stop at a Pit between Fayettville and Wrightsville beach... The middle of no where... shack with pulled pork and a vinegar sauce that was spicy....fuggin unbelievable... the best part was when I ordered I couldnt understand a word they said.
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Bill Lucas;1836764; said:
North Carolina is more famous for its' barbeque than SC. NC is a vinegar based sauce. Very delicious!

You are so correct! My Mistake! I love the vinegar based sauce as well! great stuff even if it sounds strange! I love smoking baby back pork ribs using apple wood for smoking and spritzing the ribs with apple juice as they cook! Gotta take the backstrap membrane off before you cook them. They are falling off the bone tender after 3.5-4 hours at 225 degrees! i make my own dry rub on them as well. Perfect before, during, or after a Hog football game!
Go Hogs!
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bassbuckeye07;1836768; said:
I love all BBQ... I must say I was stationed in North Carolina at Ft Bragg and used to stop at a Pit between Fayettville and Wrightsville beach... The middle of no where... shack with pulled pork and a vinegar sauce that was spicy....fuggin unbelievable... the best part was when I ordered I couldnt understand a word they said.

Thank you for your service in our Armed Forces! Proud to know you and thousands others like you!
Go Hogs!
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kchogfan;1836748; said:
Ok, That is funny! Actually we love our BBQ sauces! South Carolina does a mustard base sauce, most of the South uses a ketchup based sauce. I like both kinds and make my own from my father's recipe. BTW, everywhere in the South, it is pork BBQ, Texass uses beef brisket mostly. Baby back ribs and pork shoulder or pork butt are the favorites down South.
BTW, Arkansas hates Texass as much as you hate Michigan. Our 2 favorite teams are Arkansas and whoever is playing Texass. I love that they couldn"t make a bowl this year!

If you have ketchup in your BBQ sauce, you are doing it wrong.

Good grief. Ketchup.
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