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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Diego-Bucks;1832531; said:
Isn't the buyout if Arkansas fires him for unjust reasons then the University has to pay him X amount?
SmoovP;1832536; said:
My understanding is that if another program tries to hire him, he (or they) have to pay the UofA the buyout amount.
Not a lawyer either, but I think you're both right. According to this Dayton Daily News article, a "buyout" applies in both directions. I'm not sure the full amount would be enforced in court, as courts generally won't enforce punitive damages (and $18 million seems pretty punitive), but either way it looks like Petrino probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
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zincfinger;1833764; said:
Not a lawyer either, but I think you're both right. According to this Dayton Daily News article, a "buyout" applies in both directions. I'm not sure the full amount would be enforced in court, as courts generally won't enforce punitive damages (and $18 million seems pretty punitive), but either way it looks like Petrino probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

The buyout applies to both Petrino and the U of A. If he leaves, he owes the school $18 million next year, conversely, if the school terminates him, the U of A owes Petrino $18 million. It decreases each year of the 7 year contract.

BTW, what is up with the Leaders and Legends names? and isn't it about time to change the name of the conference from the Big 10 to something that actually represents your conference? It isn't 10 anymore.
Maybe Great North? Frozen 12?
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kchogfan;1833771; said:
BTW, what is up with the Leaders and Legends names? and isn't it about time to change the name of the conference from the Big 10 to something that actually represents your conference? It isn't 10 anymore.
Maybe Great North? Frozen 12?

It would be a huge pain in the ass to rename the brand. Throw in the fact we now have the Big Ten Network, can't just change everything with a stroke of a pen.
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kchogfan;1833771; said:
The buyout applies to both Petrino and the U of A. If he leaves, he owes the school $18 million next year, conversely, if the school terminates him, the U of A owes Petrino $18 million. It decreases each year of the 7 year contract.

BTW, what is up with the Leaders and Legends names? and isn't it about time to change the name of the conference from the Big 10 to something that actually represents your conference? It isn't 10 anymore.
Maybe Great North? Frozen 12?

Might want to check your facts but the Big Ten has had 11 members since 1990 when Penn State joined.
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If they ever change it, which they won't, I've always said they should just drop the number.

embrace the stereotype.

Big, physical backs, linemen, defenses and bruising basketball.

Biggest stadiums, alumni, academics, research, etc... and after growth and future expansion, the biggest conf network?
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kchogfan;1833771; said:
The buyout applies to both Petrino and the U of A. If he leaves, he owes the school $18 million next year, conversely, if the school terminates him, the U of A owes Petrino $18 million. It decreases each year of the 7 year contract.

BTW, what is up with the Leaders and Legends names? and isn't it about time to change the name of the conference from the Big 10 to something that actually represents your conference? It isn't 10 anymore.
Maybe Great North? Frozen 12?

I would say its ok to venture out of the Sugar Bowl discussion and jump into the one on the name of the league.... your not religated to this thread. You will find that many agree with you on that one.
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jwinslow;1833821; said:
If they ever change it, which they won't, I've always said they should just drop the number.

embrace the stereotype.

Big, physical backs, linemen, defenses and bruising basketball.

Biggest stadiums, alumni, academics, research, etc... and after growth and future expansion, the biggest conf network?

Don't forget the other reason for keeping it.

That's right....the girls know what's up. :tongue2:
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Just heard that Arkansas is the home team for this game. I guess it doesn't really matter, but does anybody know why? Both teams are at-large picks, so I'd assume they'd go with Ohio State since they are ranked higher.
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JXC;1833907; said:
Just heard that Arkansas is the home team for this game. I guess it doesn't really matter, but does anybody know why? Both teams are at-large picks, so I'd assume they'd go with Ohio State since they are ranked higher.

prolly cause our 0-9 record against the SEC is worse than their 0-3 record against the Big 10
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JXC;1833907; said:
Just heard that Arkansas is the home team for this game. I guess it doesn't really matter, but does anybody know why? Both teams are at-large picks, so I'd assume they'd go with Ohio State since they are ranked higher.

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JXC;1833907; said:
Just heard that Arkansas is the home team for this game. I guess it doesn't really matter, but does anybody know why? Both teams are at-large picks, so I'd assume they'd go with Ohio State since they are ranked higher.
According to everything i am reading it shows OSU at the home team. The odds page on fox says Arakasas @ Ohio State.:osu:
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