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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Bill Lucas;1828905; said:
No one has to justify anything to you. You're going to think what you're going to think of the schedule anyway. That's the only response I'm going to give to your trollish post.
I just want to know if your SOS concerns you at all. Do you really feel that you have an elite defense, or do you believe that the elite numbers come from playing an easy schedule? I think it's a fair question. I'm not trying to argue or start an argument. I am just honestly wondering if the OSU fans feel that their weak schedule will negatively affect them and if they truly believe that OSU has a top of the line defense compared to some of the better defenses that the SEC has put out in years past. Again, I think it's a fair question.
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Hogtropolis;1828900; said:
I am really wanting to hear what OSU fans have to say about their schedule. I know you can only play the schedule you are given, but my questions are:

1.) Does playing a weak schedule make you worried about playing a team that has been battle tested much more than OSU?
2.) Do you think that the high rank of your defense nationally is directly correlated to the quality of opponent that you were able to play this year, or do you really feel this is one of the best OSU defenses in recent memory?

Here's the schedule I am referring to.

*Only 2 games played against opponents with an 8-4 or better record (Wisc. and Ohio) and only being 1-1 against those teams.
*An 0-1 record against teams ranked in the top 25 at the end of the season.

I'm just interested to hear your take on playing such a weak schedule. Thanks.

If I remember correctly, I heard the same arguments a few years ago prior to the Cap One Bowl about Wiscy. We thought that since we had the best backfield in football and played an SEC schedule, we would run over them.

Bammy fans used the same argument about Utah a couple of years ago and we all know how that worked out.
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I know you can only play the schedule you are given, but my questions are:
OSU scheduled Miami when they were a much better program than any challenger in the 00s, including USC. It is a shame they fell apart, but like you said, there's not much OSU can do about that. They scheduled the best. Texas & USC kept it rolling, Miami did not.
2.) Do you think that the high rank of your defense nationally is directly correlated to the quality of opponent that you were able to play this year,
I think both extremes are pretty overboard. OSU has a very good defense. It is not as strong as a handful of OSU defenses but it is still quite good.
2.) Do you think that the high rank of your defense nationally is directly correlated to the quality of opponent that you were able to play this year, or do you really feel this is one of the best OSU defenses in recent memory?
I'd like to know where anyone suggested the bolded part.

OSU had tremendous defenses in 02 & 05, with very good ones in 03, 09 and pretty solid units down the stretch in 04 & 08.

You have to understand what defines a top defense at OSU. The 02 defense shut down Dorsey, Andre Johnson, Parrish, McGahee (most of the gm). Winslow was the only productive portion of that O. They dominated Wazzu, Texas Tech, Larry Johnson and many other talented players. The 05 defense held 50 ppg Texas to three TDs and completely eliminated Vince's feet after two drives. The most amazing part of those defenses is that they got almost no help from struggling offenses (05 got it rolling after the two september losses, 02 sputtered all year).
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Hogtropolis;1828913; said:
I just want to know if your SOS concerns you at all. Do you really feel that you have an elite defense, or do you believe that the elite numbers come from playing an easy schedule? I think it's a fair question. I'm not trying to argue or start an argument. I am just honestly wondering if the OSU fans feel that their weak schedule will negatively affect them and if they truly believe that OSU has a top of the line defense compared to some of the better defenses that the SEC has put out in years past. Again, I think it's a fair question.
My Arkansas pt predictions against various OSU defenses:

02, 05 D would yield 17-24 pts
03, 09 D would yield 21-27 pts
04, 08 D would yield 27-34 pts
06, 07 D would yield 31-37 pts

I would put the 10 D in between the 2nd & 3rd group.
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Hogtropolis;1828900; said:
I am really wanting to hear what OSU fans have to say about their schedule. I know you can only play the schedule you are given, but my questions are:

1.) Does playing a weak schedule make you worried about playing a team that has been battle tested much more than OSU?
2.) Do you think that the high rank of your defense nationally is directly correlated to the quality of opponent that you were able to play this year, or do you really feel this is one of the best OSU defenses in recent memory?

Here's the schedule I am referring to.

*Only 2 games played against opponents with an 8-4 or better record (Wisc. and Ohio) and only being 1-1 against those teams.
*An 0-1 record against teams ranked in the top 25 at the end of the season.

I'm just interested to hear your take on playing such a weak schedule. Thanks.

I think that Arkansas is the best team to ever play CFB. They are unstoppable on Offense and I can't believe that Coach Tressel accepted the invitation to play against such a powerhouse. Especially a team from the SEC. I really have no idea what Gene Smith and Coach Tressel were thinking. We all know that Ryan Mallet is the best QB to ever play the game. And when you think of Arkansas' storied history of playing in BCS games and competing for National Championships.......well......it makes me shiver just to think about it.

I just fast and pray that the game isn't over by mid way into the 1st quarter. May God AND the Razorbacks have mercy on us.

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Hogtropolis;1828900; said:
I am really wanting to hear what OSU fans have to say about their schedule. I know you can only play the schedule you are given, but my questions are:

1.) Does playing a weak schedule make you worried about playing a team that has been battle tested much more than OSU?
2.) Do you think that the high rank of your defense nationally is directly correlated to the quality of opponent that you were able to play this year, or do you really feel this is one of the best OSU defenses in recent memory?

Here's the schedule I am referring to.

*Only 2 games played against opponents with an 8-4 or better record (Wisc. and Ohio) and only being 1-1 against those teams.
*An 0-1 record against teams ranked in the top 25 at the end of the season.

I'm just interested to hear your take on playing such a weak schedule. Thanks.

Here's my take.

Our schedule wasn't weak. Honestly, you're falling victim to the SEC myth that when SEC teams beat each other up, it's due to parity. When Big10 teams beat each other up, it's due to an overall conference weakness. Sure we don't have flashy scores like most SEC schools do....but that's with reason...other than one specific school in the far Northwest region of our conference, we don't run the score up on each other. Because of that, the scores are lower. Couple that with (other than scUM) a tougher defensive slate across the entire conference, and again our scores don't look great.

If you really want to know why the schedule shouldn't matter, you simply have to go back to 2007. A certain school in Ann Arbor, MI was embarrased by the entire country by losing to a I-AA school. They recovered and went to a bowl game. They beat Florida that year.

(And if this isn't a proof that transitive properties suck, I dont know what is)

So our schedule doesn't make me thing anything more concerned about what I already had with facing Arkansas. Despite what the media says, I still consider Iowa, Michigan State (which we didn't play), Wisconsin, and Penn State all tough teams to play.

We are going to have to play tough. We are going to have to pressure Mallet. This won't be a cakewalk, despite what some fans on either team will say, for either team.
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Hogtropolis;1828900; said:
I am really wanting to hear what OSU fans have to say about their schedule. I know you can only play the schedule you are given, but my questions are:

1.) Does playing a weak schedule make you worried about playing a team that has been battle tested much more than OSU?

Last year, the Buckeyes were the first team to beat five teams with 10-win seasons. That has as much to do with the game against the Hogs as what our SOS does this year. Transitive effects have very little (if anything) to do with the game that will be played. I don't know how Petrino does in bowl preparation; however, I can tell you with a straight face that Tressel and the Buckeye coaches are well seasoned. There will be facets of what the Buckeyes have done all season and there will be new wrinkles. Take the Rose Bowl into consideration, who would have thought that the Buckeyes would start out the game throwing 80% of the time against Oregon. Defensively, who thought that assignment football would have relegated the Oregon O to a shadow of itself? The way the team plays against the Hogs in the Sugar Bowl will have elements of typical Ohio State ball, but don't be surprised if it's not what you'd expect from the regular season.
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jwinslow;1828923; said:
My Arkansas pt predictions against various OSU defenses:

02, 05 D would yield 21-24 pts
03, 09 D would yield 24-27 pts
04, 08 D would yield 27-34 pts
06, 07 D would yield 31-37 pts

I would put the 10 D in between the 2nd & 3rd group.

Hmm... the '10 D is yielding ~13ppg, ~11 if you deduct kick returns... is 4th against the pass, 4th against the run, 3rd in scoring D, 2nd in total D, 4th in pass efficiency D and has 18 picks on the year...

I don't know where the '02 and '05 D's ranked at year-end, but your ranking seems a tad low, and your mid-20's on point total feels a little high... just sayin' :wink:
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HogFan77;1828885; said:
Auburn fans are pretty crappy from my experience. Their program is one of the dirtiest in the history of college football and they almost act proud of the fact. Most of the rest of the SEC is ready for them to get a nice hard kick in the rear by the NCAA. Good job giving them hell!

I just remember a quote from an Auburn alum I saw in the USA today when the whole Cam Newton mess hit the wire and I am paraphasing here..

Well this time we can say we won it (the NC game) on the field. Huh? They asked you about the allegations regarding Cam Newton and that is all you have to say? Basically I don't care as long as we win the Nat'l Championship!! What a crock!!:(
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jwinslow;1828923; said:
09 D would yield 24-27 pts
08 D would yield 27-34 pts

Which part of the 2008 Defense? That unit progressed at a stellar rate after the USC game. Especially the Dline. I almost felt like they we're two completely different unit's by mid-season. Especially considering how nice that secondary was. Dwash, Malcolm and Kurt?

Personally I feel you've sold our 02, 05 and 09 units a bit short, bud.

Peterson and Scott would have had a field day seeing Mallett drop back. Likewise with Thaddeus and the 09' defense as well.
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[quote='BusNative;182892;9]Hmm... the '10 D is yielding ~13ppg, ~11 if you deduct kick returns... is 4th against the pass, 4th against the run, 3rd in scoring D, 2nd in total D, 4th in pass efficiency D and has 18 picks on the year...

I don't know where the '02 and '05 D's ranked at year-end, but your ranking seems a tad low, and your mid-20's on point total feels a little high... just sayin' :wink:[/quote]

The lowest point total the Hogs have scored this season is 20, second lowest is 24. Both of those games were before we had any balance. I fully expect Ohio State to hold us below our average(37.3), but I don't think you'll keep us below 24.
If you average our points scored(37.3) vs Ohio State's points allowed(13.3) you end up with 25.3, I think that sounds just about right for this type of game.
If you do the same thing in reverse, Ohio State should score 31. Hopefully we can hold you to under that and come out with the win.:wink2:
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brutus2002;1828890; said:
How do you know the B10 is average? I know nobody wants to play Wisconsin right now. I think we can play anyone in the country (we beat Oregon last year). MSU has faded a little but they have a month to prep for Bama. PSU is playing ALOT better than they did versus Bama.

The only bowl teams from the B10 that have gotten worse as the season has went on is Illinois and NW...NW lost their stud QB.

I think we match-up better in these bowl game than people think.

You're welcome to your opinion, most don't share them nor do I. If the SEC is "down"it would seem everyone else is too. None of that matters for this game fortunately and I'm hopeful that our offense has found it's identity and can methodically score while keeping the piglet offense off the field.
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Which part of the 2008 Defense? That unit progressed at a stellar rate after the USC game. Especially the Dline. I almost felt like they we're two completely different unit's by mid-season. Especially considering how nice that secondary was. Dwash, Malcolm and Kurt?
True, but I think Arkansas' is 3 pts better than McCoy's texas squad, which scored 24. I made a slight adjustment to my pt totals (more notably the low end), see what you guys think of that.
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