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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Muahahaha;1828630; said:
Does anyone have any links to Arkansas fan boards? Additionally, this game is going to be awesome! I hope our special teams and defensive backs come up big.

One questions for Arky fans, how is the offensive and defensive lines for the Razorbacks?

The offensive line is as solid as Arkansas has ever had. All 5 have started every game and are operating as a cohesive unit(just ask LSU's d-line). Our Defensive line is suspect, occasionally strong, occasionally they get pushed around(see Auburn vs. Ark). The defense has risen up to challenges it faced the last 6 games and are much improved over last year and MUCH improved the last 6 games.
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Buckeye89Fan;1828665; said:
OSU's offense IS better than the 'Hogs'. Deeper at every position, better QB, better WR's, and pick your poison in the run game.

You may be correct, then again, we have 5 wide receivers with over 500 yards apiece. Pick YOUR poison in that aspect of the game. Mallett is an equal opportunity passer.
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Dear OSU fans,

At least Mallett had the good sense to LEAVE Michigan and return home to Arkansas. The only reason he went to that god forsaken state was that the Right Reverend Houston Nutt had recruited Mitch Mustain to Arkansas. Mustain is now the 3rd string QB at Southern Cal. Nutt's teams were focusing on running(With Darren McFadden, Felix Jones, and Payton Hillis in the same backfield i think most of us would have done much the same) and Mallett wanted to pass. After Nutt left and the present coach took over at Michigan, Mallett saw the light and returned to the stadium were he used to park cars in order to get in the games!

I think that this game will be an instant classic for ESPN. Win or lose!
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KingLeon;1828725; said:
If TP is willing (I'm sure he is) to put his body on the line for this game, we can really slice their D up. He may not be as good as Cam Newton but with our defense he won't have to be. He could pick up major yards on the ground.

I guess that's another note for Hog fans - Pryor and Newton are physically similar... but couldn't be more different in how they play the game. A lot of it is due to our vaunted "undecided" offense, which doesn't really do one particular thing really well, but enough of everything to be effective. If Pryor is running on Arkansas its because of blown plays or improvising.
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brutus2002;1828764; said:
I'm not sure how great LSU really is. They almost lost to UNC who had 16 players suspended...struggled with WVU and should have lost to Florida.

We will see how great the SEC really is in the bowl season. IMO this was a down year for the SEC.

I understood why people thought that at the beginning of the year, but considering how average the Big 10 is this year, I'm not sure why people still feel that way. Sad as it is, I don't like the Big 10's chances in the majority of the games. Wiscy will do well and hopefully the Bucks as well, but I doubt we'll win 50% of our bowl games this year.
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These 40 pt predictions are comical.

Point totals:

20 Alabama
24 Texas A&M
31 LSU
31 Georgia
31 Miss St
38 Mississippi
41 S Carolina
49 Vanderbilt

Clearly OSU falls into the realm of SCar's trainwreck of a secondary, not with the Bama/aTm/LSU's of the world.

Arkansas has a tremendous offense that will stress OSU's defense, but these 40 pt predictions are just like the Oregon ones last year. Personally, I expect a 31-28 type of game, but it would be a huge shock if either scored in the 40s.
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I have seen a few Arkansas games this year, and I think this game is going to come down to the wire.

Mallett will be the best QB, by far, that our secondary has faced, and our DL is going to have to get after it and disrupt him in the backfield or he might pick OSU apart.

On the flip side, I think Arkansas will have trouble stopping the run if OSUs OL plays to their potential.

Of course I want the Bucks to win, but this is going to be one hell of a game to watch.

I think I will be watching this one by myself so I don't make a total ass of myself yelling at the TV in front of anyone. :biggrin:
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National Total Offense Rankings of Ohio State's Opponents:

#31 MIAMI (FL)
#94 OHIO
#57 Illinois
#17 Wisconsin <-----Only loss
#76 Minnesota
#68 PENN ST.
#61 Iowa

Arkansas is #10 in Total Offense.
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