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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Buckeneye;1828685; said:
I see a lot of 2005' Ntre Ame in this Arky team...


I wouldn't go that far.

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The same guy who picked every single Big Ten team to lose its bowl game last season is at it again. I guess it's good luck, considering the conference had a winning record last season in bowls (and he picked every conference team to lose).


Sugar Bowl

Two months ago, Ohio State looked like one of the most complete teams in the country. Right now, Arkansas is the complete team in this game.

Hogs tailback Knile Davis has given Bobby Petrino a ground element to go with Ryan Mallet's rocket arm. Ohio State has fine players but not enough difference-makers to overcome what might be the second-best team in the SEC.

Terrelle Pryor completed 65 percent of his passes this season but needs more game-breakers to beat the Hogs. In its first BCS game, Arkansas will win by 10.

Although, if you pick both Wisconsin and Ohio State to win, no one makes a big deal about it. So mission accomplished, Baldy.
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osucollegebuck;1828691; said:
I don't at all, they are a dangerous team. Plus Mallet will be a good NFL QB, not a bust.

Its a good way to put it, they are certainly dangerous. But, depends on which Arkansas shows up. The one that manhandled SC, or the one that got embarassed by Auburn? Or the one that took 2OT against Miss St? Dangerous, absolutely.

And Mallet being a potentially great NFL player is irrelevant, he attended a certain school in the north known as "JT's Bitches". And once you're JT's bitch, you're ALWAYS his bitch.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1828693; said:
Its a good way to put it, they are certainly dangerous. But, depends on which Arkansas shows up. The one that manhandled SC, or the one that got embarassed by Auburn? Or the one that took 2OT against Miss St? Dangerous, absolutely.

And Mallet being a potentially great NFL player is irrelevant, he attended a certain school in the north known as "JT's Bitches". And once you're JT's bitch, you're ALWAYS his bitch.

The two games you mentioned aren't as bad as you think. Mallett went out in the first half against Auburn. There were referee issues(hate to use this as an excuse, but sometimes in the SEC it really is). We were in the lead in the fourth quarter when our backup QB made a couple of mistakes to help Auburn pull away.

Mississippi State is a pretty good team this year. We were also unfortunate enough to play them during their first home game since Nick Bell passed away. They were amped up and played with incredible passion. We had an off night and managed to sneak out with a win. We've been battle tested this year, and more often than not have come out on top.

The previous 12 games are irrelevant for both teams though, and I'm looking forward to a great match up. Most of the Hog fans are predicting an Arkansas win of course, just like most Ohio State fans are predicting their team to win. We've all got a little homer in us. :biggrin:

I hope that we're able to come out and get a program defining win against the Buckeyes. I see it being a very close game that comes down to the very end. I'll go with:
Arkansas - 26
Ohio State - 24
I can see it going either way though.

I look forward to it and may the best team win! Good luck Ohio State fans, bring your A game and root your team on and we'll do the same!
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Dryden;1828700; said:
May need to stop by Little Rock on the way down to NOLA for a baptism in the river.

... and you shorted him $7.01.

It's not important enough to get it right...:):biggrin:

Good old Alan.....that bro was a hoot

Who was his lackey over on their pay sight, I can't remember that guys name.
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If TP is willing (I'm sure he is) to put his body on the line for this game, we can really slice their D up. He may not be as good as Cam Newton but with our defense he won't have to be. He could pick up major yards on the ground. I hope that we impose our style and physicality because the Big Ten seems to have much better results when we can determine the type of game being played. I tend to like us in these types of games where the other team has a good pass happy offense but the defense isn't so hot.

Also, how have the Arkansas special teams been? And exactly what type of offense do they run?

Thing that scares me the most is their dline is one of the best in the SEC apparently and against Florida and LSU we struggled stopping them. However, that being said, our offensive line is head and shoulders above those previous offensive lines. We now have a Mike Adams at left tackle and are more than solid everywhere else. The month off will be great for JB's foot!

We'll see what happens. Great matchup. Difficult to predict what will happen.
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osucollegebuck;1828715; said:
I am shocked what they think of Ohio State fans and alumni. Someone on Hogville actually made the claim that the ratio of LSU to Ohio State fans in 2007 was 75:25.

is it really that shocking that some of their fans have problems with percentages?
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