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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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SugarHog;1828576; said:
You know, the thing that cracks me up is that SEC teams will use this joke against each other, as if we are not all in the same boat together. :wink2:

I would say that if siblings got married and then divorced, they would still retain their brother/sister relationship, though.

Yeah, but that has got to make the family reunion kind of awkward though :).

Seriously though, there are parts of Ohio where they shouldn't be throwing those kinds of stones. I spent my childhood in southeast Ohio and I have driven through Arkansas, and honestly, if it's summer time, you would not be able to tell the difference.

Welcome BP, It's going to be a fun month. :cheers:
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Pretty sure he meant UF vs scUM?

ArcticSwine;1827725; said:
I drafted Hillis in 2 of my 4 fantasy leagues as a sleeper. Should have drafted him in the other two. He has been a beast!

If Hillis came up to me and said "I need your car keys, I'm a bit drunk - chances are I'm going to crash your ride and blame it all on you"...

He would not only get those keys, but with a handshake, a smile, a full tank of gas and my blessing.
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PORKEROINKER;1828182; said:
Look at the strength of schedule, if Arkansas would have played OSU schedule and OSU played Arkansas's schedule, I think you would see these number shift dramatically in the HOG's favor. OSU has a good offense, but no sane OSU fan can honestly say there offense is as good the HOG's.

OSU's offense IS better than the 'Hogs'. Deeper at every position, better QB, better WR's, and pick your poison in the run game.
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the offensive line has started the same o-line all season.

in the last 6 games the o-line has completely destroyed the defensive line of every team, creating the monster that is knile davis.

DJ williams is the best tight end you will have seen this season. i swear this is not biased.

the defensive line has been our strength on that side of the ball all season. Jake Bequette (Beck-it) is the leader of the group. D.D. Jones (Soph) and Byran Jones (TF) have also been very good.

the linebackers, not so much.

defensive backs have played very well this season. have not given up near the number of big plays that we did last season.
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hawgndodge;1828674; said:
DJ williams is the best tight end you will have seen this season. i swear this is not biased.

That is saying something; Kendricks from UW is no slouch. Granted Wiscy gets their TE involved off the play-action very well. How does Petrino get him involved?
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fanaticbuckeye;1828678; said:
That is saying something; Kendricks from UW is no slouch. Granted Wiscy gets their TE involved off the play-action very well. How does Petrino get him involved?

play action. lots of motion. screens. he's the active career leader in receptions and receiving yards for tight ends in the NCAA.

here is a highlight video of his junior season (last season). he lost about 10 pounds this season and gained substantial speed.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T-LD-z-tFQ"]YouTube - DJ Williams Arkansas Razorback Junior Year[/ame]
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