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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Arkansas fans out of the gate strong...very strong. We've had some great visiting fanbases here and hopefully yall can keep this up and avoid the trashtalk...we expect our posters to do the same.

Some great posts so far. Welcome to BP.
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SadSouthernBuck;1828525; said:
The Sugar Bowl wants fans that will spend a few days in N.O. and stay in hotels, eat out, etc. That = $ for the local economy. Tons of LSU fans would just drive down the day of the game.

LSU fans will be in NOLA and many at the game no matter who is in it.
Arky is gonna rent hotel rooms for at least a couple days, probably do some sight seeing, museums, zoo, aquarium, etc.

LSU fans wouldn't spend that extra money.
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I just want to say that I am THRILLED to be playing you guys in the Sugar Bowl. You may see some arrogant posts from Arkansas fans claiming that we will stomp you guys, but the truth is that most of us respect your program very much and expect a very, very tough game from you. Enthusiasm in Arkansas is at a high that hasn't existed since I have been alive, and I hope that you guys are excited about playing a program that has been resurrected (apparently we used to be a "power" in the 60's, 70's, and 80's).

I have seen some posts in this thread about Arkansas being a "passing team," but I hope you guys realize that we developed a stout running game after Auburn. Knile Davis took firm control of the RB job and has been dominant over the last 5-6 weeks. Also, take the score from the Auburn game with a grain of salt. The referees literally gave Auburn two touchdowns (Auburn fumbled at the goal line, and we recovered, and after review which clearly showed this, they still gave them the TD. Also, we fumbled in the 4th quarter while leading, and they returned it for a TD. Replay showed our player was down, but for unexplainable reasons, they gave Auburn the TD.) Also, Mallet was knocked out of the game in the 1st half with a concussion. And, of course, Auburn had an ineligible player at QB who was unstoppable that day.

I have always liked Ohio and have never met anyone from Ohio who I haven't liked. I am super excited about going down to NOLA for the game, and I hope that you guys come out in full force and make it an exciting atmosphere.

Also, in case you are wondering: most of us do, in fact, wear shoes.

Go Hogs!
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SugarHog;1828557; said:
I just want to say that I am THRILLED to be playing you guys in the Sugar Bowl. You may see some arrogant posts from Arkansas fans claiming that we will stomp you guys, but the truth is that most of us respect your program very much and expect a very, very tough game from you. ...

Go Hogs!
Good to see you here. I have lots of respect for the Hogs, and I've spent some time in AR myself during my working life - including Little Rock, Mena, El Dorado and Jacksonville. Pretty places!

Looking forward to an exciting football game. GO BUCKS!
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New Orleans is a great place to have a football game, you guys will have a blast. Wish it was in the cards for me to go this year..although considering I was at the last one it's probably best that I don't make an appearance.

For Arkansas its a chance to get one of the programs biggest wins in recent history. Mallet has a chance to go out there and get a W against his former rival so that would be pretty fitting for him.

For Ohio State its a chance to finally get over the hump against the SEC in a bowl game (Keep in mind that our seniors were freshmen back when we played LSU at the same venue, the 5th year guys having memories of the Florida game too)

Great to see a game where both teams have quite a bit to play for
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Hogtropolis;1828526; said:
I think it's safe to say that Arkansas will have their fair share of big plays ...
I agree, the Hogs will get their fair share of big plays. Of course, your fair share could in this case be zero. How one defines "big play" obviously factors into this.

Let's put it this way - Buckeye fans, I believe, think this game will be played in the 20s, while Hog fans seem to think it will be played in the 30s or more. I think the more scoring, the more the Buckeyes are favored, but doubt that's the majority view.
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BrutusBuckeyeAZ;1828564; said:
Another question for ya!
In Arkansas, if you divorce your wife is she still considered you sister?:confused:

You know, the thing that cracks me up is that SEC teams will use this joke against each other, as if we are not all in the same boat together. :wink2:

I would say that if siblings got married and then divorced, they would still retain their brother/sister relationship, though.
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