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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Hogtropolis;1828252; said:
I was trying to look up the stats of how many 20+ yard plays OSU has given up and how many Arkansas has had, but I couldn't find it. I did see that OSU has only allowed 7 TD passes this year while Arksnsas has passed for 34. Also OSU is only allowing 250 ypg while Arkansas is gaining close to 500 (489) ypg. Something's gotta give. I personally think that it will be a semi high scoring game with both teams scoring over 25 points.

If OSU has only given up 2 plays over 38 yards this season, don't be surprised if Arkansas matches that number in our game. While I'm sure y'all are thinking that I shouldn't underestimate OSU's defense, Petrino's offense should never be underestimated. He is an offensive genius, and that has nothing to do with Mallett.

You can track it on your schedule on ESPN.com. I did Ohio State's defense for you. You're going to have to take the time to track the Arkansas offense. :biggrin:

Ohio State defense

plays of 20-29 yards 20 in 12 games
plays of 30-39 yards 7 (Minnesota had 4 of the 7, go figure)
plays of 40-42 yards 2 (1 was a rush)
plays over 42 yards Zero

There you have it. How about your defense? How do they compare?
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Just curious... What do y'all think about Pryor? I know a bunch of Arkansas fan (Including me), have thought at one time in Mallett's career that he was Jesus and Petrino was God...
Just curious. We tend to get a little out of hand with our love of our Hogs.
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MissouriHogFan;1828377; said:
Just curious... What do y'all think about Pryor? I know a bunch of Arkansas fan (Including me), have thought at one time in Mallett's career that he was Jesus and Petrino was God...
Just curious. We tend to get a little out of hand with our love of our Hogs.
I think he's improved steadily, is becoming a good quarterback, and could be a great one next year. He can pull off amazing pass plays when forced to scramble, and can convert first downs from long 3rd or 4th downs, pretty reliably.

With respect to this game, if Pryor improves as markedly from this season to January 4th, as he did from last season to the Rose Bowl, then Arkansas may well be in for a long evening. I think his improvement was pretty obvious in the Rose Bowl, in contrast to the regular season. Great decision making, authoritative passes, and he had excellent protection. Oregon's superstar DE barely caught him by the heel but twice the whole game.
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SmoovP;1828387; said:
I don't think stating that the "no one has scored more than x points on us since x game" has any more validity as saying "tOSU hasn't won a bowl game over the SEC" does as a predictor of what is likely to happen in an Arkansas vs. Ohio State matchup.

Perhaps but when you can look at a history of 5 or 10 years and see consistency it certainly carries some weight.
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Arkansas defense this year as a comparison.

20-29 yards 20 plays
30-39 yards 8 plays
40-49 yards 5 plays
50-59 yards 5 plays
60-69 yards 2 plays
over 69 yards Zero plays

Please note that the ULM game did not hvae a play by play tracker listed so it is not included.
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Mrstickball;1828027; said:
Looking at Arkasas' bowl record....I can't help but think its in our favor.

In the past decade (99-09) They are 3-5 in bowl games. 0-2 against the Big Ten. No real marquee wins except Texas in 99. They've won against E. Carolina and Mizzou in their other games.

If we beat them, can we say that we've finally shaken the SEC curse, given that they are a transplant from the SWC?

Yes you can for multiple reasons. OSU had their chances against Florida and LSU. They had Chuck Norris type players in Tim Tebow and Glenn Dorsey. The buckeyes will be facing a player that might even be greater than Chuck Norris. The legend of Ryan Mallett.

Ryan Mallett can follow you in a revolving door......and come out before you do.

legend has it that there was 5 story building that was engulfed in flames. Ryan Mallett pissed on the flames and put out the fire. His piss was so strong it actually added another story.

Ryan Mallett was practicing with his teammates one day and the water girl wandered out on the practice field. Mallett threw a ball so hard that it went through his wide receiver's hands and hit the girl in the head. It knocked the girl back in the past for several decades. It also caused her to be blind and deaf. You know her as Helen Keller.

This is coming from a Michigan fan. If OSU wins, they should be given credit for 10 wins bumping their record in bowl games against the SEC to 10-9. Ryan Mallett......what a legend.
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SmoovP;1828397; said:
Are you talking about the 'won't score x' part, or the 'no wins vs. the SEC' part?

Probably both. You do know that Ohio State has wins against the SEC correct? Just not in a bowl game. :biggrin:

And we won't bring up the 19-2-2 all-time record against the SWC. We'll just pretend you're still one of those and forget about the SEC thing. :evil:
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PORKEROINKER;1828182; said:
Look at the strength of schedule, if Arkansas would have played OSU schedule and OSU played Arkansas's schedule, I think you would see these number shift dramatically in the HOG's favor. OSU has a good offense, but no sane OSU fan can honestly say there offense is as good the HOG's.

sorry, BCS games dont come down to IF

your D is the caliber of Purdue's
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Let's look at points scored vs. what that team averaged giving up this season.

44 against Tennessee Tech... +15
31 against Louisiana Monroe... -1
31 agasint Georgia... +8
20 against Alabama... +6
24 against Texas A&M... +4
43 against Auburn... +18 (granted they didn't matter because Auburn scored 65 (most Auburn scored all season))
38 against Mississippi... +3
49 against Vanderbilt... +18
41 against South Carolina... +18
58 against UTEP... +33
38 against Mississippi State... +18 (in 2 OTs)
31 against LSU... +13

So one negative game, four single digits, six in the teens, no games in the twenties, and one in the thirties. The average is +12.75

45 against Marshall... +14
36 against Miami... +16
43 against Ohio... +21
73 agasint Eastern Michigan... +29
24 against Illinois... 0
38 against Indiana... +4
18 against Wisconsin... -3
49 against Purdue... +20
52 against Minnesota... +19
38 against Penn State... + 15
20 against Iowa... +4
37 agasint Michigan... +3

So one negative game, four single digits, four in the teens, and three games in the twenties. The average is +11.83.

So even if we are going against weaker defenses (which I don't agree with...Ohio State has played five defenses ranked in the top 40 in points against, Arkansas has only played three) then looking at the stats this way should show a big difference for Arkansas if they are that much better.

Arkansas has a great offense, but so does Ohio State. Both teams have 1000s yard rushers, both teams have great QBs. Maybe Mallet has better numbers, but Pryor has that 'it' factor and can will the Buckeyes to victory, plus his running ability evens things out there. The depth at WR is where Arkansas has an edge.

I'd take Arkansas WRs over Ohio State's. But I'd take Ohio State's backfield and O-line over Arkansas. We will see how it plays out in a month, but do not act as though Arkansas offense is SO MUCH BETTER than Ohio State's.

The one glaring different between Arkansas and the other SEC teams we have played recently is that their defense is not nearly as dominant. Our defense, on the other hand, is.

It's a team that can pass the ball extremely well vs. a team that plays defense and runs the ball extremely well.
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The same things were said last year when Oregon claimed to have the greatest offense in the league and OSU stifled the Ducks to their lowest point total since the beginning of that year.

I'm taking every single post here with a grain of salt. Speculation is fun, but ultimately it's why we play the game.
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