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Game Thread Sugar Bowl: tOSU vs Arkansas, Tue, Jan 4th, 8:30 ET ESPN

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Nutriaitch;1828591; said:
Bucks travel well to Nola.
I agree. Unfortunately it has resembled this the last couple of times we've done it.

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Guys, this is our 1st major bowl since about the 70s....
You'll bring fans, sure, but I can promise you, we'll bring a TON of fans to NOLA.... I'll be there with 8 others.... And apparently, hotels are already pretty much booked up...
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Buckeye86;1828610; said:

I, uh, don't think Ohio State is going to have a problem selling tickets.

What teams are you used to playing in bowl games? :wink:
Ya know... Teams like Texas in the Cotton Bowl and we had about 90% of the Cotton Bowl Red... Or how 'bout Wiscy/Michigan in the Cap 1 Bowl, again, about 80% Hog Callers...
Need I go on?
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Does anyone have any links to Arkansas fan boards? Additionally, this game is going to be awesome! I hope our special teams and defensive backs come up big.

One questions for Arky fans, how is the offensive and defensive lines for the Razorbacks?
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MissouriHogFan;1828626; said:
Ya know... Teams like Texas in the Cotton Bowl and we had about 90% of the Cotton Bowl Red... Or how 'bout Wiscy/Michigan in the Cap 1 Bowl, again, about 80% Hog Callers...
Need I go on?

wow, that's pretty impressive for a fan base that didn't average filling their home stadium the past three seasons
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A bit of exaggeration...

I went to Orlando in 2006, the mix of us and Wisconsin was closer to 50/50...we definitely didn't have 80%. They wear the exact same cardinal and white as we do, so it was hard to differentiate...unless you actually got to see the crowd and who cheered when.

To be fair to our fans, we went from having a good shot at playing in the BCS championship game to losing a nailbiter to LSU followed by losing to Florida in the SECCG pretty much because of one bone headed special teams play. Using having to play Wisconsin in the Citrus/Cap One was a massive let down.
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