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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

Go to the game!!!! Don't watch on TV...especially this one. Every Buckeye fan to try and make it out to IU. It's amazing with all the fans. Hoeppner was pissed off that there were so many Ohio State fans...so I say, next time we go there, lets just send even more. Heck...it's about 60 bucks to go to an OSU home game...offer any IU fan 60 bucks for their tickets, and they'll sell them to you. Just kick all the IU fans out, and fill the whole stadium with scarlet and grey.

There were a lot of Ohio State Fans there today. It was pretty cool. On Friday night Killroys Bar and Grille we were playing Hang on Sloopy and every time an Ohio State fan would come in five or six fans would say OH. Then came the madatory IO. We practically took over the bar. One of the waitresses made the comment that we were like an Army.
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My thoughts. Nice to see Teddy Ginn do some things with the ball again. Holmes is great and is ready for the NFL now if he wants to go. For the most part Boone is doing great and when Barton comes back he can go in for Datish instead of Boone imo. O-Line continued their impressive year today. Kudla continues to be the only consistant D-Lineman to get pressure on the QB and I haven't heard Jay Richardsons name all year maybe I am missing something but it seems like he shouldn't be out there. LB's were great of course and DB's looked pretty decent for the most part. I really like the physical play of Malcolm Jenkins he is going to be a good one. Whitner and Salley are probably the best safety tandom in the country. Youboty screwed up a few times but I didn't think he looked horrible just not his best game ever. Our WR's all had a solid game. Pittman looked real good but I would like to see him get in the endzone but I'm not complaining. Troy Smith had a decent game but he is still consistently not seeing open receivers. The only time I yelled in anger was on third and 14 or so in the red zone when we handed off to Schnittker. WHAT THE HECK ARE WE DOING!!!!!!!!! I am sick of Schnitt getting all these carries. He should be blocking for Pittman and Wells. Wells showed his stuff and looked good today. Schnitt shows me he is slow, white, and has no moves. Plus fumbles in the redzone. The only runs that are half ok are the ones with a HUGE hole and he gets like 5 or 6 when Wells or Pittman would have had 20 or 30 yards possibly. Every handoff to Schnitt is a wasted play mark it down in your books. I don't want to bash Schnitt because I think he is a good fullback but his role isn't carrying the ball. Other than that good game.:osu:
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JonathanXC said:
and Smith threw 1 bad pass, which I thought was PI, but maybe I just saw something...if it wasn't PI, then Holmes fell down when it looked like he had the inside position when the ball was thrown, and usually he makes the play, so I don't think it was as bad of a pass as it looked.
IU's DB (Porter) bumped Holmes hard with his hip/thigh, thereby throwing Holmes off of his route; the refs didn't call it: (A) because they sucked, and (B) because Porter didn't touch Holmes with his hands. Porter did the same thing several other times throughout the game - none was called, but the Holmes "interference" on the goal line was the only time that Porter tactic made a difference in the game (and a big difference it made). Despite the intereference, the pass was ill-advised, and Smith telegraphed the throw.
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I'm sure someone said it already but...

Those Ref's sure sucked... I didn't see what happend on Teddy's kickoff return but that pissed me off... It had to of happend at the 25 yard line for them to get the ball at the 40 and it's hard to think many people were at the 25 yardline when teddy scored...

But their worst call was early in the game when the they did a replay of the IU guy's catch and called it not a catch. What in the world were they looking at, it couldn't of been the same thing i was seeing...

Guess they figured they would screw both teams... lol
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yeahh we played well today, defense only gave up 3 points, and we won 41-10, but it wasnt even that close. i think the thing that really disqusted me the most was the officiating, and im glad that Ginn got a TD later in the game because he was most deffinitely robbed earlier with a bullshit penalty. if youre not allowed to hit a guy square in the chest to block on a kick return, they might as well tuck flags in all of the guy's pants and start playin touch football.
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I am disheartened at some of the critique of the announcers, as Spielman himself was the analyst for the game.

What disheartens me the most is that I cannot disagree with it. Spiels gave his usual outstanding performance most of the time. But on most occasions when the play-by-play guy would misidentify or mispronounce a Buckeye, Spiels would just repeat the mistake.

I guess the same comment that LJB made about Ashton Youboty also applies to #36. Everybody has an off-day occasionally.

Yeah. I didn't get Spiels either. I had the ESPN+ crew and they were not very good. I had heard Spiels was doing the game, but it didn't happen here in Y-Town....
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On another note...the offense is what it is. I don't know what more people want out of them other than the perfect game. Troy Smith isn't going to morph into this completely awesome QB with great vision and feel of the pocket overnight...but he IS getting better, and dammit he did go thru progressions during this game, I saw it. He hit Holmes after looking at Ginn and then Gonzo on one pass. He still telegraphed some, but he looked better, more comfortable. TS didn't fumble!!! We never fumbled...you can't consider the raping Ginn took a fumble...and Smith threw 1 bad pass, which I thought was PI, but maybe I just saw something...if it wasn't PI, then Holmes fell down when it looked like he had the inside position when the ball was thrown, and usually he makes the play, so I don't think it was as bad of a pass as it looked. The line blocked well...I don't know why all of a sudden we decided to clip...other than the clipping though, what more do you want? We are what we are on offense, we aren't going to go out there and average 2 minute scoring drives like 2001-2002 cryami.
great post my friend (I include the best part). Have some green.

We held their team to 3 points, Teddy ran back two kicks, we finally got a takeaway TD on D (last weeks special teams TO wasn't exactly difficult), our line actually blocked, Troy didn't fumble, Troy passed to someone besides his primary WR, Gonzo got involved, a ton of unfamiliar faces showed (frost, hall, etc), and JT was livid on the sidelines (my favorite part, b/c too often we see the PC tressel when there clearly is another side he saves for the lockerroom and the WHAC).

One very encouraging thing is that we have seen second half improvements the last two weeks. Our approach and scheming has been much better on both sides of the ball after halftime.

We still have plenty of work to do (if you practice without that mindset, you come out like USC does many weeks against inferior talent with arguably five of the top skill players at their positions)
I wonder how much AY practiced this past week. Does anyone know? Perhaps he practiced less in an attempt to rest the hip, and was therefore a little off his game.
he may still have been partially injured
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I got Spielman down here and he did a good job. He corrected the other guy when he said we used to have Ted Nugent kicking here. :biggrin: He was also pissed at the officiating. He said they should put flags on them and play flag football. I cannot understand why big ten officials suck so bad. Ed Hightower must be influencing the football guys in some way..:smash:
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I think those of us at the game might be singing a different tune than those that saw it on TV.

The phantom roughing on the TD by TG was a stupid block, behind the play that was not necessary. A young player being overly aggressive.

The whistle on DA's fumble was the single worst call I have ever seen. To make it a "do over" just made it worse. Amazing

Our D is all world. I kept wanting the IU O on the field to see them make plays. I love this group of kids.

Our O is much better and continues to improve.

We should never be in the spread on a 3rd and 1. We did this several times. Pound the freeken ball.

I do not understand why we ever take Pittman off the field. It breaks the rhythm of the O and we bog down. Tony P has established himself as a very very good RB, good on him. He is a worker and I respect that.

TS needs to give the ball up on the option pitch sometimes. He did it and Pittman went for a big gain. If he always holds it, it looses all the element of surprise.

TS can hit an open receiver but needs to trust his arm and throw the ball before the receiver is open sometimes. Perfect example is the sideline out pattern that was almost picked off. He threw it after the receiver made his move and had come open. The DB had plenty of time to catch up and make the play. If that throw goes before or as the move is made it is not even close. Troy needs to anticipate and see the play before it is there. Against a good D if the player is open and then he throws...it is too late.

Fun game to be at. Loved the O H I O chants in their house. Good tailgating. Beautiful day. Now Bengals beat them Steelers!!!!!
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IU's DB (Porter) bumped Holmes hard with his hip/thigh, thereby throwing Holmes off of his route; the refs didn't call it: (A) because they sucked, and (B) because Porter didn't touch Holmes with his hands. Porter did the same thing several other times throughout the game - none was called, but the Holmes "interference" on the goal line was the only time that Porter tactic made a difference in the game (and a big difference it made). Despite the intereference, the pass was ill-advised, and Smith telegraphed the throw.

I didn't see the hip-bump. What I saw was that the defender had better position to catch the pass than the receiver had. Maybe it was because of "interference" that should have been called. I just thought that the defender jumped in front of the receiver - both going for the ball - and the defender got it.

You're probably right, LJB. Too bad I've convinced myself that taping the game is bad luck - or I'd go back and watch that part, again.
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The whistle on DA's fumble was the single worst call I have ever seen. To make it a "do over" just made it worse. Amazing
That anticipatory whistle was bad, but redoing the kickoff was the correct call. On an inadvertant whistle the ball is given back to the team that last had possession. Since nobody had possession on the kickoff, the ball has to be teed up again.
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Great game. IMO Boone has unseated Datish and will not leave the lineup until he is drafted. Boone, Sims, Mangold, Downing, and Barton will be the starting lineup once Kirk is healthy.

Ohio State, for all my (and others) bitching have won their games. They lost to a good (ugh) Penn State team while playing badly and they lost by 3 to the team who may end up as National Champs.

A game like Indiana at this point in the season could be just what the doctor ordered the rest of the way. I am extremely worried about Northwestern at this point, though. Never in my life thought I'd be saying that. They shut down a good MSU offense, but that could be misleading. The wheels come off of the Spartan wagon every year and it's not looking like this year is any different, but the Wildcats looked tough yesterday.
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I too would encourage fans to go to Bloomington for a game. The atmosphere is laid back and the IU fans are friendly.
While looking for a place to eat before the game, an IU parking attendant pointed us to "the tent with the green balloons, where the governor is giving away free food". Sure enough, the governor was at the game and the Republican party was giving away free chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, and drinks. The drinks included free beer! At tOSU you get arrested for having an open container. At IU, the freaking governor is giving beer away!
It was a lot of fun, and you should try to go at least once.
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