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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

Actually, being at the game I thought Troy played real well.

He missed Gonzalez down the seams once and that was his biggest mistake all game (though the busted play where he threw the ball I think right to a lineman or in a crowd was bad). Did he lock on to receivers at times? I don't know, probably. But he showed some great things too. Waited many times for the crossing routes/drags to open up, both with the TEs and the one play to Holmes, stellar runs, and some solid passes.

It looks like a big part of the game plan was to get Holmes the ball and Smith was trying to do that on Saturday. Maybe he tried to hard, but I don't see why so many people are still down playing his game. ONE interception! OK, yea it looks like it was a bad decision/bad throw/should have recognized the CB, but maybe Holmes could have got better position, maybe there was pass interference, or maybe it was just a bad play call by the staff to do inside the 10 after running that slant 2 previous times already that early in the game (ding ding, I'll take answer #3). But whatever, it was one bad play and I think the rest of the game made up for his performence. Smith has controlled the last 2 games well and led solid victories for the Buckeyes.

Did Krenzel always look like a great QB?

I agree with you here on you post. I thought he played a pretty good game, he through passes with touch, some with velocity, hit open recievers, didnt take off too early, moved around in the pocket well, and even ran the option very well.

The only thing I disagree on is when you say he missed Gonzo, yeah he missed him, but instead he put the ball right in Holmes' arms and he dropped it. There is a picture at the o-zone of that play and the ball went right through Holmes' arms, It shows it with two good angles.
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Even Stanton - the most efficient QB in the country - missed open receivers in the Horse Shoe. On those long plays, the ball is often thrown to a specific spot on the field instead of to an open receiver.

I think it was one of TS' best outings this year. If he can continue to build on this and improve his touch and vision, he'll turn into one terrific QB.
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In answer to your last question. We were talking on the way back to the car about Krenzel. We all agreed that Krenzel and that team had a mental toughness that this team seems to lack (not on defense, but parts of the offense lack that toughness)

We may never see another Ohio State team with the mental toughness of the 02 team. It started with guys like Krenzel and Doss and filtered down to just about everyone. Leaders like those two don't come around often.
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In answer to your last question. We were talking on the way back to the car about Krenzel. We all agreed that Krenzel and that team had a mental toughness that this team seems to lack (not on defense, but parts of the offense lack that toughness)
I hate to say this because I don't want to pile on Hamby, but that 2002 team had the great #88, Hartsock, and he was a vacuum as a receiver, a dependable blocker, and he remembered the snap count while walking from the huddle to the line. I don't recall ever wanting to throw things through my television set because of something Hartsock did.

All other things considered, if just Hartsock were on this years team, I think they'd be 7-0.
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