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Some Post-Game Thoughts - Indiana 2005

My thought...our defense is still scary.

We better get past these mental errors. We need to start dominating the turnover war.

Finally, Indiana had a freshamn QB. I could not understand why we were not blitzing more. We had them starting inside their own 15 several times. I kept waiting for our guys to blitz the shit out of their young QB to cause a turnover, but soft coverage assignments were called until they got out of the red zone.

We didnt need to blitz. Why give up a chance at a big play on a team that can't even muster 150 yds. total.
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I was at the game and here are my thoughts.

1) I agree the refs were terrible.

We didn't get the luxury of a replay but we all thought that receiver caught the ball and were amazed that it was overturned.

2) The refs were too quick to blow plays dead on fair catches.

When IU's returner fumbled the first punt, the ref blew the whistle as soon as the ball touched the players hands. I believe that means the play should be ruled dead and we shouldn't have gotten possesion of the ball. They need to first wait to see that the player gains possession.

3) Hoeppner was going ape-shit the entire day on the sidelines b/c of poor officiating and frankly, I don't blame him.

I mean what's up with re-kicking a kick-off b/c the officials blew a play dead before they should have?

I have a feeling there will be some serious reprimanding from the league's supervisor of officials for this crew's lackluster performance.

4) Marcel Frost is HUGE!!!

5) Indiana is a great place to watch a game.

We were in the the right endzone bleachers in front of the scoreboard and you could hear the hits and the ball hit the receivers hands.

6) IU's QB Powers though stmied all day impressed me with his presence. He's a big guy too.

7) And finally my main observation, I was sitting at just above field level all game and the one thing that stood out to my friends and I was Troy Smith "locking on" one receiver and throwing at them. That's totally to blame for his pick in the endzone.

For me it was a lot easier to see this at IU than watching a game at the shoe where you seem as if you are a mile away from the action.

I watch Sportscenter and they rave about Troy's performance but from being at the game I got a totally different impression.

Just goes to show you how the media can skew reality.
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7) And finally my main observation, I was sitting at just above field level all game and the one thing that stood out to my friends and I was Troy Smith "locking on" one receiver and throwing at them. That's totally to blame for his pick in the endzone.

For me it was a lot easier to see this at IU than watching a game at the shoe where you seem as if you are a mile away from the action.

I watch Sportscenter and they rave about Troy's performance but from being at the game I got a totally different impression.

Just goes to show you how the media can skew reality.

And the media wonders why our offense goes away when we play a team with a decent defense.

Nice observations Thump.
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I was at the game and here are my thoughts.

5) Indiana is a great place to watch a game.

We were in the the right endzone bleachers in front of the scoreboard and you could hear the hits and the ball hit the receivers hands.

Your south end zone did a commendable job on the 'H' when the O-H-I-O cheer went around the stadium. Those end zone stands look like high school bleachers. Anyway - good job cheering; for a small group of folks, the 'H' was clearly audible to me in the opposite corner of the stadium (the last 'O').
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Your south end zone did a commendable job on the 'H' when the O-H-I-O cheer went around the stadium. Those end zone stands look like high school bleachers. Anyway - good job cheering; for a small group of folks, the 'H' was clearly audible to me in the opposite corner of the stadium (the last 'O').

We were at the game(press box side opposite end from the large scoreboard) O-H-I-O was in Hoeppner left ear all game! In fact he commented in the paper there was far to much of that in their stadium!

Ginn was already in the end zone (in front of us) before the flag was thrown!

Met coaches Tressel & Heacock at the team bus and got autographs from schlegel, ginn, trapasso, huston, hawk, boone, amd archie griffin! what an awesome day!

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I won't touch on any negatives. The few things I really liked was Pittman running hard, the defense(always), and Ginn's first few steps going up the field on returns instead of towards the sidelines. That IMO is the key to him getting stopped for no gain and going for a nice return. Other than that I don't have much to say since I'm not being negative. :)
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You are right about Ginn, there were more strides up the field and much less side to side dancing. Don't know if that was picked up in scouting IU or if that is what we will be seeing more of (straight up the field).

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against Indiana?

I guess maybe I should clarify and maybe I am just flat wrong on this one...

My thinking was simply that they had a young unexperienced QB, virtually no running game, and one reciever that was a threat. I would have blitzed the shit out of them when they were back up deep. At that point in the game, we were only up by a touchdown or so. Instead we played fairly soft and allowed them to hit several passes and work the ball out of their red zone.
I know we were getting pressure with our front four, I just think we should have sent Carp of the edge and forced that pick or a turnover.
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My thinking was simply that they had a young unexperienced QB, virtually no running game, and one reciever that was a threat. I would have blitzed the shit out of them when they were back up deep. At that point in the game, we were only up by a touchdown or so. Instead we played fairly soft and allowed them to hit several passes and work the ball out of their red zone.
I know we were getting pressure with our front four, I just think we should have sent Carp of the edge and forced that pick or a turnover.
The problem with blitzing a team that runs an offense like Hoeppners is that you're leaving 5 DBs (or fewer) to cover 4 or 5 WRs and a RB. If you don't get to the QB or miss a tackle there's a good chance it'll be a TD, whether it's their goto receiver or not (see the 80-yard TD allowed to SDSU). Up by only 7 points or 10 or whatever you have to play it safe and rely on your D-Line to simply outmuscle their O-Line.

The only way a team like Indiana wins is if OSU does something incredibly stupid (see the 7 turnover performance by Oregon last season). In a game like that you just have to play it safe and trust your athletes. 3 and 4 man stunts, delays, and disguises work better in a game like that than bringing extra LBs and the SS on an already overmatched line.
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However, Youboty had a tough game, with two pass interference calls (almost a third on Mitchell's INT)

On the interception: the receiver knew the ball was underthrown. The receiver grabbed Youboty's arm and pulled him out of the way. Yeah, Youboty did touch the receiver a little bit on the way down the field, but it was offensive pass interference on that play, but it didn't matter since Mitchell had the interception and return.
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7) And finally my main observation, I was sitting at just above field level all game and the one thing that stood out to my friends and I was Troy Smith "locking on" one receiver and throwing at them. That's totally to blame for his pick in the endzone.

For me it was a lot easier to see this at IU than watching a game at the shoe where you seem as if you are a mile away from the action.

I watch Sportscenter and they rave about Troy's performance but from being at the game I got a totally different impression.

Just goes to show you how the media can skew reality.

I don't know if you have had a chance to rewatch the game, but it was not the fact that Smith was locked on one reciever on that play. It was the fact that we went to the well one too many times on that play. The corner knew it was coming and he sat on it. Smith was looking straight ahead and then when Holmes came out of his break he let it rip. I feel the defender forced Holmes(by hitting him b4 the ball got there) to not be able to get to the ball.

We ran the same play on Holmes' TD and another play on the drive of the int. All 3 times Smith was looking straight ahead then turned his head and let it rip. This is a designed play, so that is Smith's primary read, and that is who you look for first, I am sure he is told if you think you can get him the ball you do, and he did.<!-- / message -->
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